The ADHD Success Club

Affordable Training and Community Designed to Make Living with ADHD Easier


Reduce stress


Get things done


Organize like a boss

Discover the ADHD Success Club!

Find out more about the wonderful interactive podcast that can help you outsmart your ADHD so you go from 'hot mess to happy' and make ADHD easier to live with!'

The 2024-2025 season starts in September and you can join now to start your path to be successful with ADHD!

Is ADHD Sabotaging Your Life?

Do you feel…

Frazzled from struggling to meet deadlines and keep commitments

Frustrated because the stuff you need to do just doesn’t get done

Worried that others will discover how disorganized and inefficient you are

Exhausted from having to work so hard

Overwhelmed that you can’t find what you need when you need it

Drowning in a sea of never-ending distractions and interruptions

Discouraged… you know life would be so much better if you could only focus

Baffled why ADHD medications don’t work as well as you think they should

You deserve a supportive community that nourishes you and helps you thrive.

I’ve Been Helping People Outsmart Their ADHD Since 1998

I get it. I have ADHD, too. I know firsthand how it feels to struggle with ADHD symptoms, and what it’s like to dream of life being easier.

I felt hopeless. Frustrated that I couldn’t get the important stuff done. Overwhelmed with clutter and chaos at work and at home. Constantly afraid that I’d lose my job.

I spent years learning how to master my ADHD. Pulling apart my out-of-control life. Slowly rebuilding it piece by piece with sustainable systems and strategies to support me at work and home.

My transformation was so powerful that I’ve made it my mission to teach other adults how to master their ADHD, too.

That’s why I became an ADHD coach. Working privately by phone with clients all over the world.But, I discovered a couple of problems with private ADHD coaching.

Sure, my clients lives were changing, but they still felt so alone in their struggles. They needed a community.

And, frankly, the price of private coaching was too expensive for lots of people.

That’s why I invented the ADHD Success Club. A community of smart, professional ADHD adults who I’m teaching how to master ADHD together.

The ADHD Success Club Helps You Thrive

A virtual (phone and internet) group training program for adults with ADHD who are ready to live more successful and effortless lives.
In this online ADHD coaching group / live interactive podcast, you get direct access to me, ADHD Coach Dana Rayburn. I guide you through the proven systems and trainings I’ve created (and perfected) through decades of working directly with leaders and business professionals with ADHD, like you.
You’ll get support to live at your ADHD best. Plus, learn the essential skills and habits every ADHD adult needs to know to be successful.


The 2024-2025 ADHD Success Club starts in September with calls on Tuesdays at 3pm PT / 6pm ET — JOIN NOW!

Dana, I want to deeply thank you for:

  • The Success Club (and your uniquely fun and effective way of facilitating it!)
  • Your enabling me to see – via the Success Club – that I’m NOT ALONE in my behaviors!
  • Your warm and caring personality, and you’re not leaving us stuck in any ADHD “quicksand”
  • The precious, insightful gems you’ve shared (e.g., “There won’t be more time later!”)
  • The idea of accountability (which I’ve enlisted my wife to help me with)
  • Your vulnerability (sharing that you, too, had only a narrow path thru a room – I still do!)
~ T.M.

Training Focuses on the 3 Pillars of ADHD Success

ADHD Organization Mastery

Clutter and disorganization do more than look messy. They waste time, increase stress and frustration, and trash your self-confidence. Imagine living and working in a clutter-free, energizing environment where you can quickly find what you need when you need it.

successful with ADHD
time management and ADHD

ADHD Time Mastery

To be fully productive, ADHD adults need better control of their time and tasks. In the ADHD Success Club, you learn a proven, practical time management system for your work and personal time. Life is less stressful and more successful when you know what you need to do and when you’ll do it!

ADHD Symptoms Mastery

The reality? Knowing what to do isn’t enough. You have to be able to focus enough to get started and get stuff done. In the ADHD Success Club, you develop a deeper understanding of your ADHD symptoms and gain the strategies to control them. With or without ADHD medications.

ADHD symptoms
Thank you so very much for everything, Dana. You are a model for how to make life work around the challenges that come with ADHD. Years of therapy and even being a therapist myself have barely scratched the surface on what you’ve been able to teach me. 
~ Dylan

What You’ll Learn


Foundation of Success

  • Understand exactly what you need to do to have an ADHD-friendly life
  • Learn how to stop procrastinating and get started on what’s important
  • Develop the essential skills for staying productive and on track
  • Discover the most important thing every ADHD adult must do to be successful
  • Fill your toolbox with strategies to have a balanced level of energy and focus

Live Clutter-Free

  • Build a proven, ADHD-friendly organizing system for both work and home
  • Learn practical clutter-clearing and organizing skills to slash overwhelm
  • Stop doing the #1 thing you do every day that guarantees your office and home stay disorganized
  • Learn my foolproof system that make it super easy to put things away
  • Learn sneaky ways to keep the clutter from oozing back into your life

Free From Paper Clutter

  • Never be confused by what to do with a piece of paper again
  • Develop strategies for quickly handling the mail
  • Build practical file systems that work the way you think
  • Learn how to convert your desk to a productivity paradise

Get Stuff Done

  • Eliminate your chaotic, never ending task list(s)
  • Build a realistic schedule you can follow
  • Learn the essential tool you need to stop forgetting to do basic stuff
  • Discover the trick to setting and accomplishing your priorities
  • Learn to think ahead so you never get caught unprepared again
  • Capture your good ideas without letting them pull you off task

Master Your Day

  • Establish realistic routines you actually stick to
  • Learn how to calmly start your day
  • Stop being late to work and appointments
  • Build a framework for productive, yet relaxing evenings
  • Master practical ways to stop distractions in their tracks

Focused and On Fire

  • Reduce brain fog and overwhelm
  • Balance your energy
  • Boost your ability to focus
  • Follow my simple ADHD-friendly diet for optimal brain power
I joined the Success Club after the week in which you addressed perfectionism, but I went back and listened to it right after I joined. And I’ve wanted to say THANK YOU for addressing it!! Ever since then, I have been able to bail out on (at least some of the time) interesting/enjoyable/fascinating/infinite distractions that pull me away from the work that really makes sense to me to keep focused upon!! I am so grateful for you and for that 🙂
~ Terry M.

Understand Your Brain to Reach Your Potential

ADHD is brain-based. Not a personal failure. *cue big sigh of relief*

In the ADHD Success Club, you discover the tools you need to leverage your unique brain so you can organize your life and master your time. 

This program is designed  for adults with ADHD. You don’t need to pretend you’re paying attention while you’re actually distracted or daydreaming. 

Plus, get access to a supportive community of peers with ADHD who know exactly what you’re going through.

Since Dana introduced me to my “I’ll do it later” ADHD inner self-talk, I discovered how prevalent it was with so many things I do. Learning “hard” things included. Breaking things down into smaller bits, planning, and “doing it now” if I have time has helped me so much. I love the scaffolding-you teach us Dana Rayburn! Living with ADHD is so much better with all of you and the Success Club!

Abby L, Santa Monica, CA

The ADHD The Success Club gave me excellent information on ADHD and how to manage it without having to continue to scour the Internet for solutions that might or might not work. I have gained new information that has literally changed my life.uccess Club has provided me an opportunity to dig deep and learn about both basic and complex aspects of ADHD with like-minded ADHD adults. What I’m learning, plus the great community, changed my life!

Summer, Las Vegas Nevada

I absolutely LOVE the module topics and outline. They are the exact skills I’ve been trying to strengthen since my diagnosis three years ago. In every group, regardless of the topic, I have found the help I was seeking to nail down what to tweak.

Melissa. Littleton Colorado

Who is the ADHD Success Club For?

The ADHD Success Club is only for adults and provides training on work and home skills such as organizing, time management, and understanding and controlling ADHD symptoms.

The Success Club is for you if you…

  • Don’t get work done on time
  • Struggle to do what you’re supposed to do
  • Feel like planning doesn’t work
  • Don’t follow through and stick with things
  • Are overwhelmed — don’t even know where to start
  • Don’t finish things
  • Let yourself and others down
  • Are worried people will find out how disorganized you are

And you…

  • Are ready and able to focus on building your ability to be more successful with ADHD at work and at home.
  • Do or don’t have an ADHD diagnosis but struggle with ADHD symptoms.
  • Are ready for new ideas and outside help to change how ADHD impacts your life.
  • Thrive in a supportive, group setting.

The Success Club is not …

  • Emotional Therapy. This program is NOT a replacement for therapy or counseling. Join only if you have healed the emotional damage caused by ADHD enough that you can take action.
  • A Parenting Skills Program. Though the know-how you build will help you provide a more structured and supportive home for your ADHD children.
  • For teens or college age students. Study skills are not covered. Adults who are working while continuing their education are welcome and will benefit from better planning and time management.
  • Marriage Counseling. This program is not a substitute for marriage counseling. However, building stronger ADHD life skills can reduce marital strife

What You Get

    • Weekly Skills Training with Coaching. Live, 90-minute, virtual (telephone) training and coaching session each week. Dana teaches you essential ADHD life skills. It’s interactive to help you stay engaged. Time reserved to get coaching on your personal situation.
    • Weekly Q&A and Discussion. Have a question? Each weekly training session includes time for you to ask your questions and discuss key points.
    • Downloadable Recordings of Each Session. Available shortly after the call in case you missed the session or want to listen again. These recordings are yours to keep.
    • Monthly Accountability Calls. Need some help to implement the skills? You got it. We meet once-a-month via Zoom to answer questions, get extra support and make sure things get done!
  • Access to the Strong Start to ADHD Success call to get you started on the right path.
  • Members-Only Site. Get access to guidebooks and call recordings!
  • Weekly Guidebooks. Key concepts and homework for each week’s training session.
  • Built-In Accountability and Support. Engage with your ADHD Success Community through a private Facebook Group.
  • Complete Confidentiality and Safety. Learn and build skills in a safe and respectful community. What happens in the Success Club stays in the Success Club.
  • Eligible to apply for monthly private coaching sessions with Dana.

No Long-Term Commitment – Cancel anytime if the Success Club isn’t right for you.

Weekly Call Schedule

Tuesdays at 3:00-4:30 PM Pacific

(4:00-5:30 PM Mountain, 5:00-6:30 PM Central, 6:00-7:30 PM Eastern)

Monthly Accountability Calls held once a month on a Wednesday at 4pm Pacific.

Scheduled to be shared after sign up. 

Join the ADHD Success Club Now

Stop letting your symptoms prevent you from living your life. Master your ADHD (and your life) starting today and be successful with ADHD!

My coach told me I’m giving too much away. He said to double the price to $300 a month. Sometimes you have to ignore your coach. I’m holding the price as is so I can help more people.

One Membership Level


  • Membership provides 10-month access to the Training sessions – we start September 10.
  • This includes telephone or internet access to the live 90 minute Training calls, with Q&A, Coaching and discussion (held Tuesdays at 3-4:30pm PT / 6-7:30pm ET) AND monthly Accountability Calls.
  • Downloadable recordings of each Training call so you can keep them forever.
  • Membership site access to the Training call materials, and recordings.
  • Plus the ADHD Success Club Community private Facebook group.
  • And access to the Strong Start to ADHD Success recording!