6 Simple ADHD Tax Organizing Tips

by | Feb 2, 2017 | Organizing ADHD | 0 comments

the words essential ADHD organizing written on a yellow noteToday, let’s continue our look into ADHD and taxes. Here are my favorite ADHD tax organizing tips. Won’t life be peachy when organizing tax information is quick and easy?

Last week’s blog was about making tax time ADHD-friendly. If you missed it, you can read the blog here. ADHD-Friendly Tax Time

6 Favorite ADHD Tax Organizing Tips

Here are my favorite tax organizing tips for ADHD adults.

  1. Remember, organizing taxes has two parts. The year-round information gathering AND actually preparing your taxes in April. Thinking about organizing taxes as two parts makes it less overwhelming for ADHD. Organizing tax information thoughtfully year-round makes the preparing part tons easier.
  1. Know what tax information you need to report. Why? Because this tells you what you need to gather. Of course, this depends on your work situation, deductions, investments, and such. Keeping everything or nothing complicates life. Figure out exactly what information you need to prepare your taxes. Guessing may seem the easy route in the moment but it’ll turn tax preparing into a hot mess, I promise.
  1. Technology is your friend. Use it. Capturing tax info right as you pay bills makes ADHD tax organizing loads easier. There are many financial software choices. I use Quicken. Gotta love how it downloads right from my bank and credit card companies into the software. Even if you have to adjust the records a bit it is still easier than doing it all by hand.
  1. Easy ADHD tax organizing demands simple holding places for all your tax-related paperwork. Shoving envelopes in random stacks and piles? Stop that! You are making tax time a living hell. You don’t need a fancy file system. A simple vertical file holder on your desk or counter with a few manilla folders will do. Or one drawer designated just for tax papers and nothing else. Simple is best. All you need is a place to shove tax papers. Not a beautiful tax organizing system. ADHD means the fewer steps you have to take to collect the information the more likely you’ll be to do it.
  1. Remember your digital tax info, too. Each year more and more tax information arrives by email. ADHD tax organizing gets easier when you collect these emails year round. Create a big, ugly folder in your email inbox to move all your tax-related email into as they arrive. No need to sort into small categories. One big, messy folder will do.
  1. File tax papers as they arrive. This is why you need simple places to gather the information. Open files. One huge inbox. Stuff everything tax related into the file or inbox as soon as you pay it. You can sort the papers at tax time when you’re inspired by the looming deadline. But at least it will all be in one place.

This system isn’t pretty but it works. It’s based on the system I’ve used for years. Remember successful ADHD tax organizing means keeping things simple.

Want to learn How to Get Organized with ADHD? You’re in luck! Getting organized with ADHD is a frequent topic in the ADHD Success Club. Click here for more information about the ADHD Success Club.


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