How to Build an ADHD Support Team
Want to know one of the first steps to living successfully with ADHD? Here it is: You need to build an ADHD support team. If you want to get more...
Commitments, ADHD, and the Pause
One of the biggest ADHD challenges I’ve had to learn to push past is keeping commitments. Those I’ve made to other people. And ones I’ve made to...
4 Ways to Take Your ADHD Seriously
What’s the common theme I’ve been hearing from ADHD Success Club members this season? They’re getting help because they’re finally taking...
5 ADHD Procrastination Conversations
If you want to stop procrastinating, you need to investigate and build awareness around those convincing little voices in your head telling you to...
Two Steps to Stop Procrastinating
If you set goals to change something this year, there's a good chance that you've already given up on them and you're probably kicking yourself. No...
Ep. 223 Time to Say Goodbye
There are moments in life that you struggle to walk through and this is one of them. After much deliberation, it’s time to end the Kick Some ADHD...
What’s the Best ADHD Planner?
When we talk about task lists and planning in the ADHD Success Club, members often ask what I consider to be the best planner for ADHD. My...
Ep. 222: ADHD Lies We Tell
How often do you say: "I'll do that later?" Those four-little-words are just one of the lies that we tell ourselves or our loved ones. All the time....
The Holidays and ADHD: 6 Tips to Save Your Sanity
The holidays and ADHD can be a painful combination. As it is, we’re overwhelmed by the day-to-day on our regular days. Then here comes December...