ADHD Success Blog


Ep. 83: Favorite Focusing Hacks

Ep. 83: Favorite Focusing Hacks

To be able to focus at will is arguably the “Holy Grail” of ADHD. But what does it even look like? Does it mean focusing on the shiny? Or perhaps...

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Why Habits Matter with ADHD

Why Habits Matter with ADHD

There has been a lot of talk in the last few years about habits for ADHD. You know, those tiny behaviors we all do without thinking (okay - with...

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Ep. 82: Are You Procrastibating?

Ep. 82: Are You Procrastibating?

What is procrastibating… and are you doing it right now?! This week we’re diving into a concept that came up a few episodes back. You might remember...

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Clutter Has Its Costs

Clutter Has Its Costs

When was the last time that you were able to sit down for a meal at your kitchen table without pushing papers or stuff aside? Or go to bed without...

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Commitments, ADHD, and the Pause

Commitments, ADHD, and the Pause

One of the biggest ADHD challenges I’ve had to learn to push past is keeping commitments. Those I’ve made to other people. And commitments I’ve made...

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Ep. 80: Why Ask Why?

Ep. 80: Why Ask Why?

Curiosity is an important trait for living an easier life with ADHD. We certainly need to question what we do and what happened in order to change....

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