ADHD Success Blog


Ep. 39: Multitasking Is BS

Ep. 39: Multitasking Is BS

With brains that constantly crave stimulation, the appeal of trying to do more than one thing at a time is almost too much to resist for many people...

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Let’s Get Real, Are You Okay?

Let’s Get Real, Are You Okay?

As an ADHD life and productivity coach, I am constantly having authentic conversations with clients. It’s in the job description. During our...

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Ep. 38: ADHD Task List Overhaul

Ep. 38: ADHD Task List Overhaul

Anyone with ADHD has forgotten things they needed to do. Even really important things that you’d think you’d never lose track of can (and will!)...

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Ep 36: Time Tracking Traps

Ep 36: Time Tracking Traps

Do you work in a profession that requires that you track or bill for time? If you're an attorney, consultant, or in one of the countless occupations...

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The Joys of Living Clutter-Free

The Joys of Living Clutter-Free

Let’s talk about a life-changing benefit of living clutter-free if you have ADHD. A deep reason to get organized. One you only find when you...

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Tired of struggling with ADHD? You’re in the right place. ADHD Success is loaded with free, practical tips to help you get organized, manage your time, and live more easily with Adult ADHD. Like what you read? Sign up for the newsletter now! No Spam. I promise!

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