Ever Wonder Why You Struggle With Clutter?

by | Aug 26, 2014 | Organizing ADHD | 1 comment

freedigitalphotos.net by Master isolated images

freedigitalphotos.net by Master isolated images

Do you wonder why you struggle with clutter when other people don’t?

I sure used to – before I learned how to be organized.

One thing I’ve learned along the way is that many ingredients mix together to cause clutter.

That probably doesn’t surprise you.

But, have you every really thought about why you have clutter?

Not the easy answer, like, “no one puts anything away around here”, but the real, deeper reason.

I suggest you do. Because until you know the root of why clutter gathers in your home or office, no matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to get control over it.

And until you’re able to spot the patterns in your kids and spouse you won’t be able to help them understand the basics of clearing clutter and getting organized either.

Don’t worry… there is hope!

I’ve written a free report, Discover Your Clutter Type.

Discover Your Clutter Type does two things:

  1. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of where your clutter comes from. Knowledge is power. When you understand the precise behaviors that lead to the piles of random stuff building in your home or office you can start to do something about it.
  2. You’ll discover some practical action steps designed specifically for your clutter type that you can start to take to begin ridding your world of the clutter.

Imagine being able to enjoy a calmer, more enjoyable, clutter-free home and work-space.

Go ahead. Take the first step to create the organized life you dream about by clicking on this link downloading the free report: Discover Your Clutter Type – Why You’re Drowning in Clutter and What You Can Do About It.

If you wonder why you struggle with clutter when your friends don’t this might answer your question.

1 Comment

  1. Paula

    I was searching for organizational tips for adults with ADD/ADHD when I found your website. I was actually searching for info to help a friend/coworker out. I recognized myself in the ways you describe someone with ADD living. Kind of scary. and yet, I think I’ve known for a long time I probably had it. Never diagnosed. I am enjoying reading the info and learning why, not just what to do. So far, I like the tone of your messages and the way you say/write them. Not demeaning or negative. Just matter of fact. I am still sharing this with my coworker, but I am also gearing up to learn about me and how I can be better and more at peace with my home and work lives.




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