Get the Audio Course that Helps You Be More Productive and Reach Your Potential.
You can succeed with ADHD.
Life Shouldn’t Be THIS Hard.
ADHD can interfere with even your best intentions. Yes, you want to be on time, get stuff done, stay organized, and be attentive in your relationships.
But ADHD often has other plans.
Take Control of Your ADHD Symptoms With This Audio Course: The Foundations of ADHD Success
In this powerful, easily downloaded audio course – built for adults with ADHD – you’ll discover three main skills you need to be successful with ADHD. You’ll be guided by me, Dana Rayburn, while I teach you essential skills I wish I had known when I struggled with my ADHD.
Start Now With These Three ADHD Friendly Modules:
Module 1: “Three ADHD Truths”
- Understand how your brain works (and leave shame and guilt behind)
- Build consistent motivation and fuel your desire to get more done
- Gain the full list of 60 ADHD symptoms and traits
- Start making your symptoms your partners in improving your ADHD

2. Module 2: “Don’t notice it? Can’t fix it.”
- Become more self-aware so you can make positive changes
- Learn a simple trick to stay focused and productive
- Understand the secret of why awareness isn’t enough
- Gain a powerful tool to catch yourself and course correct when you stray off track
3. Module 3: “Clarity is your friend.”
- Bring clarity to your life to set yourself up for success
- Expose the source of your most stressful challenges and learn to overcome them
- Learn a simple, oh-so-powerful tool to help you finish what you start
- Make clear plans to prevent procrastination and distractions

I have ADHD and know what it’s like to struggle.
I know what it’s like to work twice as hard as my peers and to dream of life being easier and projects being finished on time.
I spent years trial and error-ing my way to success. So much time wasted feeling hopeless, overwhelmed, and frustrated not knowing what my ADHD brain needed to be successful.
BUT I learned how to outsmart my ADHD so I can live to my full potential.
Overcoming my own struggles with ADHD sparked my determination to help others learn a new way of living with adult ADHD. For more than 20 years, I’ve coached adults in practical ways to get organized and manage time.
And I’ve poured all I know into this audio series to you can get started with the very foundational information you need to be successful with ADHD.
You Can Reach Your Full Potential, Too
Foundations of ADHD Success will teach you the three ADHD-friendly skills you need to be successful with ADHD.
Learn more about ADHD, yourself and what you can do immediately to alleviate your ADHD symptoms and build intentional habits to reach your goals.

Get Immediate Access to The Foundations of ADHD Success
Start reaching your goals and creating the calm and successful life you’ve always dreamed of. Use The Foundations of ADHD Success to take charge of your ADHD and become the person you want to be.
- Unlimited access to 3 Modules with 15 ADHD-friendly audio lessons – easily download them for listening on the go
- Workbook. Exclusive list of 60 ADHD Symptoms – many you probably don’t know are ADHD
- Discover Your Clutter Type – Why You’re Drowning in Clutter and What to Do About it ebook
- Did I say ADHD-Friendly? It is. These are proven, real solutions I’ve been teaching to clients for years. Some people have paid $100s for this info that you’ll get for $39. Shhhh, don’t tell.