Get Organized For Life
Finally, Everything You Need to Know to Get Organized.
Good News!
Are you ready to finally get organized? Rid your life of embarrassing clutter, leave for work without that stressful last minute search for your keys? Get rid of those ugly piles of paper without hiring an expensive professional organizer?
Would you like to be able to calmly welcome drop-in visitors to your home and turn your home into a restful refuge for you and your family?
Than this might be the most important letter you’ll ever read.
My name is Dana Rayburn. For more than 20 years I’ve made it my business to help people get organized; first as a Professional Organizer and more recently as a Professional Coach for adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD / ADHD). I’m not a professional ad writer. But what I have to share with you is so revolutionary and so exciting – I just had to sit down and tell you about it. So, please bear with me a little.
Let me start by telling you I’m what I call a ‘reformed messy’. I was born disorganized and I lived in chaos for the first 28 years of my life. Let’s just say, through a lot of experimentation and hard work I created a foolproof system to organize my home and me in only a few minutes a day. These are the exact same methods I now teach my clients so the become organized, too.
I’m also a highly sought after adult ADHD coach who helps some of the most disorganized people you’ll meet bring order to their lives.
Needless to say, that’s where my big problem lies…
The trouble is for most people it’s just too darned expensive to hire me, let alone have me travel to their home to organize them. And even worse, when I do get a chance to work with someone we rarely have enough time to thoroughly cover all the steps in my organizing program.
Can You Imagine My Frustration?
That’s why I wanted to do something about it. I decided to write out my simple, yet extremely effective organizing program that my clients, or anyone tired of living a life of clutter and chaos, could follow anytime, if I were with them or not.
Truthfully, I wasn’t sure it was even possible but I went ahead anyway with my plan. Some people I know even laughed when I told them my idea.
But I knew it had to be possible – and I did it …

Announcing The Last Organizing System You’ll Ever Need…
Who Said Staying Organized Has To Be Hard?
I’ve put together a proven program for you to get organized in as little as 15 minutes a day. And the most remarkable part of the whole system is that using my program you will not only get organized but you will find it easy to stay organized, too.
I know it all sounds too good to be true but keep reading and I’ll prove it to you…
Are You Sitting at Your Desk Right Now?
Good, Try This Simple Clutter Busting Technique And Clear Off Your Desk…
This technique shows you immediately how simple, how incredibly effective my Organized For Life program is. When you get started with my organizing program, to try at our risk, check page 80 right away. There you’ll be shown the exact way to clear any cluttered space quickly without any of those impractical “organizing rules” that don’t really work for disorganized folks.

Simple Clutter Busting Technique
Before you begin, move your trash can within reach. First, start at the right hand corner of your desk and while quickly moving from right to left grab any obvious garbage and toss it in the trash.
Next, (again, moving from right to left) pick up anything left lying around (like pencils and paper clips and books) and quickly put it away.
Isn’t it amazing how much more organized your desk is already?
Of course, you still have papers and things you need to handle or figure out what to do with on your desk. Don’t fret. You’ll learn exactly how to organize them in the Organized for Life! program.
Easy, right?
Well, inside the complete Organized For Life! program you’ll discover lots of simple, yet extremely effective techniques just like that to help you become organized. All fully explained so you can easily get started in just minutes. But, Organized For Life! is more than a list of tips and techniques. It’s a step-by-step program that takes you clearly and easily through all you need to do to become organized.
The Major Flaw Of Most Organizing Books
The fact is most organizing books have a major flaw. Sure they contain some decent information. But, here’s the problem. 99% of books about organizing are written by naturally organized people – people who have no idea how challenging it is to make sense of the chaos and clutter. People without a clue how discouraging it is to not know where to start.
Well, I promise you this. My Organized For Life! program is different. It’s jam packed with proven techniques to guide you step-by-step on your organizing journey. Techniques I’ve used over the years to get disorganized people like my clients and me organized so we stay that way.
Which of These Trouble Spots Would You Like to Get Rid Of Starting Today?
- Clear those mounds of paper off your dining room table…
- Eliminate the heaps of unopened mail and assorted folders from your desk and office floor…
- Banish that mess of shoes, jackets and clutter from the entry way…
- Weed out those unflattering, outdated clothes from your closet…
- Remove the stacks of paper from the kitchen counter…
- Rid your home of the flood of unmanageable junk…
- Zap away any clutter caused stress and much more…
Of course, I know it sounds too amazing and unbelievable…
I bet you’re thinking “this can’t really work” or “this is too good to be true” (heck, my client David, didn’t believe it either until I showed him he could be organized). But walk through any home or office and you’ll see for yourself that 75% – 85% of people are pretty well ORGANIZED!
You can’t convince me those people are smarter than you are. I won’t believe it. You’re probably disorganized because you just don’t know how to get organized so you can stay organized.
Just imagine being able to organize your house and have it STAY THAT WAY! Organized for Life! is the perfect way for messy people to clear the clutter so it doesn’t return.
Yes, it’s true! But even still, I don’t expect you to take my word for it – so here’s what a few of the people who’ve already purchased Organized For Life! say about its power and effectiveness.
Don’t Just Take My Word For It – Here’s What Others Say…
“ Yours is the first book I’ve read that puts organizing in language I can understand and makes any sense.”
Atlanta, GA
“ I ordered your ebook and have found it to be a tremendous help. I’m 59 now going on 20 because I’m so excited to find these tips I wish I’d had years ago. It’s really helping me get organized from an ADHD standpoint. Every page is worth an ounce of gold to me it’s been so helpful.”
Nan Y.
“I read your articles and posts, and then ordered your book. Your writing style is so engaging and easy. Reading your book felt like you were right there with me. I read the whole thing in an evening (staying up late to finish because I wanted to devour all of it instantly). I LOVE your approach, your examples and the way you make it manageable and not overwhelming. I especially appreciated how you took the flylady approach to zones and made it calendar-able. I’m familiar with the flylady site but always struggled with actually defining my zones and figuring out how to apply the ‘one week per zone’ in reality. Now I have them defined, on a 3×5 card on the kitchen table with my trusty timer.”
Saint Petersburg, FL
“ I’m managing things in a way that’s doable. Plus before anything gets too out of hand (like the laundry) I tackle it. I’m actually thinking ahead about things. And I am getting up better in the morning and am getting to work early and leaving on time. Wow. Thanks to you! More people need to hear about you.”
Nokesville, VA
“ I’ve read many organizing books but your approach really spoke to me. I’ve struggled with being organized my whole life. Your book instantly helped me. It’s the first organizing book I’ve ever read where I thought the writer understands how I think and what I need. My house is now much better organized.”
New York
“Just wanted to say thank you for your wonderful organising book. I downloaded it last week and I cannot believe the difference it has made to my life already.”
Sydney, Australia (which is why she spelled it organising instead of organizing)
“I have to say how much I am loving the organizing book after only having it a few weeks. My donation bin is overflowing! People are asking why I’m giving so much away and not just having a yard sale (a garage sale if you didn’t know). Because its too much work, but mostly because i want it out NOW! I don’t want to have this stuff sitting in a corner while I collect other things to go along with it, then planning everything (UGH!)”
“Your program’s online approach and how it’s spaced for my reading ability is perfect.”
Southern Oregon
“This is the easiest organizing program I’ve followed so far and two weeks into it I’m still following it. The clutter seems to be vanishing from my house. I really like the way you started by setting me up for success. I like the chapter summaries and worksheets, too. Thank you for changing my life!”
Albany, New York
“I find it hard to believe, but my garage and my desk are clean for the first time I can remember and they’ve stayed that way for a month. Your tip for picking something up when I notice it certainly works – though my back is sore.”
KC, age 83
Colorado Springs, Colorado
“Wonderfully written and intuitive“
Canton, Georgia
“Yes! I can do this!”
“Dana, each page radiates your soothing common sense and enthusiasm. I feel like you’re here with me guiding me each step of the way.”
San Diego, California
“I really enjoyed it. Very detailed for someone who really needs help in finding out just how to get started.“
Denver, Colorado
“Finally, a program even I can use to get organized. Thank you for guiding me step-by-step. Thank you for your clear explanations and examples. Most of all, thank you for understanding what it’s like to be disorganized. What a relief to learn that I’m not the problem. I simply do things differently than other people do. Now I know why I couldn’t follow my wife’s instructions for organizing my desk – she was born organized and I, obviously, wasn’t. Marital harmony, at last.”
West des Moines, Iowa
So, Just What Makes Organized for Life! So Special?
In The Essential Home Filing System Blueprint you’ll learn:
Inside the complete Organized For Life! program you’ll get my seven-step simple, yet extremely effective organizing system. All fully explained with examples and exercises so you can easily get started in just minutes. You’ll even find helpful review questions at the end of each chapter to make sure you actually remember what you’ve read. This is the same system I use to organize family and the hundreds of organizing clients I’ve worked with over the past 16 years.

Here Are Just A Few Of The Things You Will Learn In Organized For Life!…
- My Organizing Success Formula– Starting on page 36, I reveal these five important facts you need to know before you can transform yourself into an organized person. To get organized so you STAY organized you need to do more than merely pick up piles and clear clutter. When you apply the components of my unique Organizing Success Formula you’ll be well on your way to conquering your disorganization once and for all.
- The Five-minute Rule – Imagine, never letting the mess get so big it can’t be cleared away in five minutes. Sound impossible? Trust me, when you have the right organizing systems in place you can do a lot of tidying in five minutes – and I don’t mean by hiding things in the dishwasher or under the bed.
- The Three Organizing Personalities – Have you ever wondered why some people find it so easy to be organized and you don’t? Wonder no longer. On page 23 of Organized For Life! you’ll discover the three organizing personalities and how you can transform from a disorganized to an organized person.
- The Secret Habits of Organized People™ – If you’ve ever worked really hard to get a room organized only to have the mess quickly return, you’ll want to pay close attention to the Secret Habits of Organized People™. These are the amazing organizing discoveries I made way back when I was learning to be an organized person. The Secret Habits of Organized People™ teach you to look at a mess, discover the root cause of the clutter and eliminate the problem quickly and completely.
- Clutter Magnets – If you’ve got lots of clutter you’re sure to have a house filled with clutter magnets. Why? Because these pesky guys just attract clutter. I can’t wait for you to discover my favorite simple tricks for defusing the power of clutter magnets.
- Organizing Myths Debunked – We’ve all heard ‘em. The things the so-called experts say you must do in order to be organized – things like ‘only handle a piece of paper once’. Reading these common myths makes me furious. Why? Because I know it’s an impossible dream for disorganized people to try and follow this unrealistic advice. In ‘Organized For Life’ I expose these fallacies for what they are and walk you through truly practical steps you and other disorganized folks can take to transform your life and become an organized person.
- How To Handle An Uncooperative Family – Sadly, not everyone has a family who supports their desire to become organized. If your family seems determined to undermine your desire to transform your life be sure to turn to page 21 of the Organized For Life! program. You’ll learn how to include your family in your goals and exactly what to do if they are resistant.
- Making Organizing Manageable – A major frustration shared with me by many over the years is being so overwhelmed with the mess they don’t know where to start. That’s why I’ve dedicated Step Three of the step-by-step Organized for Life! program to making organizing manageable. You’ll learn where to start and how to break getting organized into small, bite-sized pieces you can do in just a few minutes a day.
- The Key to Zapping Clutter – Messy people find managing clutter impossible. That’s why I’ve devoted the entire fourth step of my organizing program to zapping clutter. In this section you’ll learn how to recognize clutter and the number one rule for getting rid of it. You’ll learn how to divide and conquer your clutter along with the key questions for clearing clutter. You’ll also learn the essential clutter bashing tools. These tools are indispensable if you intend to become an organized person!
- Deciding Where To Keep Things – This is my favorite part of helping people learn to be organized. Beginning on page 106 I’ll fill you in on everything I know about the art of figuring out where the things you keep belong. You’ll learn the common mistakes people make in deciding where to keep things and how to find good homes for your stuff. Plus, you’ll get my handy key questions for assigning home that you can use over and over anytime you need it.
- How to Create Easy to Use Storage – Living an organized life takes more than clearing clutter. You’ve got to be clever about where to keep the stuff in your life. This is where you’ll benefit from my experience as a corporate systems analyst because I teach you how to apply business-oriented time and motion techniques to every day living. So you can easily find things when you need them and quickly put them away when you’re done with them. You’ll learn everything I know about creating easy storage for all your stuff.
- Staying Effortlessly Organized for The Rest of Your Life – If you follow my step-by-step guide to this point you’ll have an organized house. Is there more? You bet there is because until you’ve covered Step Seven – Staying Effortlessly Organized for Life, you’re missing out on important secrets and tips for becoming an organized person. Ideas for foolproof ways of using lists and following routines, staying motivated and quickly and effectively smacking clutter back down when it does try to sneak it’s way back into your house.
That’s merely a quick glimpse of what’s in the information packed Organized For Life! program. Its full. It’s vital. It’s everything you need to know to rid your world of the clutter and chaos and begin living an effortlessly organized life from today to forever.
Come, Take The Surefire Way To Creating The Calm and Clutter Free Home You Imagine With the World’s Easiest Organizing Program!
Your entire organizing program can be done in as little as 15 minutes a day, whenever you have a few spare moment – waiting for dinner to cook or even during TV commercials.
And guess what?
The best part is my organizing program doesn’t require you to spend big bucks hiring a professional organizer or paying for costly and unnecessary organizing supplies.
“Okay Dana – So What’s The Cost For This Incredible Program?”
Let’s do a quick comparison – you could hire a professional organizer like myself to work with you. I currently charge a minimum of $100.00 per hour for personal organizing. Normally, my clients hire me for a minimum of ten hours – so that’s $1,000.00 just to get started. Most jobs take lots more time than that. This way, I figure at a bare bones minimum you’re getting hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth of my expertise and advise at your disposal inside the new program.
But I’m not going to charge you anywhere near that amount or even my minimum hourly rate. In fact, the entire Organized For Life! program is a steal for the price of $24.99! That’s less than what an experienced professional organizer would charge just to show up at your door without the hassles. You’ll never have to locate or check references for a reputable organizer, make an appointment or frantically clean up the house before she gets there so she won’t know how disorganized you really are!
So what’s the catch? Why am I practically giving this program away?
Well, it’s really quite simple. Since you’ll be downloading my Organized for Life! program from the Internet I have no inventory and no fulfillment costs. I don’t need to pay anyone to take the orders over the phone (though, you are welcome to call me at 503-385-9772 to rest assured that I am a real person). This way I can pass along my cost savings to you. So you win and I win. But don’t worry, downloading the manual is a snap, I’m no “techno whiz” and I had no problem. (The ebook works with both MAC and PC computers.)
Concerned about ordering over the Internet?
Don’t be. Your order is processed by the highly respected and secure system of I never even see your credit card number. keeps it locked up safe and secure.

Dear Dana – In today’s high powered world it is so refreshing to find someone who still works by the “old values”. I can count on one hand how many refunds I actually received on “money back guarantee” ads. Yes I did find the credit, right where you said it would be. Thank you, not only were you true to your word, but you reinforced my desire to stay the course.Please be sure I will watch your site regularly and I will be a customer in the future.
Thanks once again and the best to you,
What are you waiting for? You’ll get the revolutionary Organized For Life! program. Complete with step-by-step instructions, clear directions and review exercises. The whole thing is completely downloadable on your computer so you can be trying it out in just a few moments. At just $24.99, you can’t go wrong. Use this program in your home or your office, (heck, you could even organize your car) entirely at my risk by clicking here to get started with the ebook right away.
Here’s To Being Organized for Life,

P.S. You’ll be amazed at how simple and easy it is to start getting organized so you can stay organized with the Organized For Life! program. Your entire organizing program could be done in as little as 15 minutes a day, whenever you have a couple spare moments. In just moments you can get going with all seven steps of the program and become an organized person in a matter of weeks…completely at my risk!
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