freedigitalphotos.net by Gualberto107
Way before I knew about ADHD, and back when I was still an incredibly disorganized person, I made a big discovery that’s been the foundation for my unique approach to ADHD organizing.
Many years ago, when I landed my first “real job” for a major corporation, I rented my first apartment.
I was determined to enter into the world as an adult and was no longer satisfied with hand-me-down furniture and bricks-and-board shelving.
I’d saved my money for months so I could buy my first real bedroom set. Unfortunately, the bedroom furniture couldn’t be delivered for about six weeks after I moved into the apartment. That meant living out of packing boxes until the furniture arrived.
So, picture a bedroom with just a bed in it and lots of large packing boxes instead of a dresser and drawers…
What was interesting is that it was so much easier for me to put my clothes away. Since none of the boxes had lids, I just had to stand in the center of the room and throw clothing into a box. No opening and closing of drawers or folding of clothes required.
This discovery was a giant step toward learning how to become organized.
What I Learned about Organization from Living Out of Boxes…
I discovered I wasn’t really disorganized because I was lazy, as I had always been told –and I believed. I was disorganized because the way most people organized was too hard for me. It took too many steps.
This is a major realization about being organized with ADHD. You have to make it as simple as possible to put things away. If you don’t the clutter will build and…well, if you’re reading this you probably know what that means.
So don’t believe the people who say you’re lazy. Take a look at something you want to organize (something small) and see if there’s a simpler way to do it – the easier the better. Experiment and see what works best for you.
And if you want to jump start your organization, get Organized for Life. This is a complete program I created for everyone challenged by being organized. It walks you through creating organization that is simple and works for people with ADHD. Just click HERE to learn more or to get started right now.