Getting Organized and the Clutter Returns. Ugh

by | Oct 31, 2019 | Organizing ADHD | 0 comments

You know the pattern too well if you have ADHD. Getting organized and the clutter returns in just a few days. I call it the ADHD organizing roller coaster.

How discouraging can life get? You dedicate a precious weekend to clearing the clutter and the mess is back in a flash. Or, you diligently set up an organizing system, but follow it for only a few weeks.

Even worse, you take frequent, stressful rides on the ADHD organizing roller coaster. It’s a lifelong pattern. Get organized and the clutter returns. Get organized and the clutter returns. Over and over again.

This is a huge frustration for most ADHD adults. It’s why many of them work with me. The hopelessness of ever making progress against ADHD’s draining disorganization.

I Used To Ride The Organizing Roller Coaster, Too

I still remember the dismay of riding the organizing roller coaster. Back when I struggled with disorganization. Before I learned how to create sustainable organizing systems.

Early childhood memories of my mom insisting I clean my room. I’d whine my way through a weekend picking everything up and putting it away. Except the mess would return within a few days. (Don’t tell…I used to shove lots of stuff under my bed or into the back of the closet.)

As a new bride people thought we just loved having guests for Sunday dinner. The truth was we needed to spend the weekend cleaning our apartment for it to be ready for company. By the next weekend it would be a mess again.

Shoveling out the seats of my car and hiding everything in the trunk before I could drive my friends anywhere. The ‘stuff’ (I so want to use a different word) would pile up again leaving the trunk and the inside of the car a mess.

I can’t begin to describe how different my life is now that the clutter no longer returns.

Now my trips on the organizing roller coaster are short. The ups and downs are slight. The mess rarely gets so bad that it takes more than a few minutes to return my home or office to a calm, clutter-free zone.

My car seats are always passenger ready. Getting the house company ready takes just a few minutes of sprucing. You can even look under my bed or in the back of my closet if you want.

This is what I want for you. No more getting organized only to have the clutter return. Life just doesn’t have to be so hard.

There are clear reasons you’re stuck on the organizing roller coaster. Getting organized only to have the clutter return. With ADHD you need a different approach to organizing. I want to help you break the pattern. 

You can learn the details of how I learned to be organized in my ebook, Organized for Life! here on the web site.  Click here to find out how you can get Organized for Life, too.



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