The #1 Reason ADHD Adults Don’t Exercise

by | Jan 19, 2017 | ADHD Symptom Control | 0 comments

What’s the #1 reason ADHD adults don’t exercise?

It’s boring. Mind-numbingly boring.

At least it can be if you’re trying the wrong kind of exercise. To exercise with ADHD you need exercise that motivates you. Seduces your ADHD brain to get up and move day after day.

Why do I care if ADHD adults don’t exercise? You see, exercise is ADHD’s magic pill. It opens your neural pathways. Balances your brain chemistry.

Exercise lets you be clear, focused, and motivated without taking ADHD medication.

I want your life with ADHD to be easier. That means you need to exercise.

Which circles us back to what to do about the #1 reason ADHD adults don’t exercise. The boredom.

Solving the #1 Reason ADHD Adults Don’t Exercise

If you avoid exercise because it bores you, I challenge you to think deeper. Stop trying to force an exercise program. Instead find exercise you’re naturally pulled to.

Here are some things to think about…

  • Are you goal-oriented? Will you get out and run if you’ve signed up for a triathlon or a marathon?
  • Are you social? Do you need the company of other people or friends to exercise? Then consider taking classes. Or joining a team of some sort. Walking with a buddy.
  • Are you trying to exercise at the wrong time of day? A night owl who expects to be at the gym bright and early won’t be able to sustain that commitment.
  • Do you need exercise to be fun? There are so many interesting things to learn! Beautiful hikes to take. Bike paths to explore. Fun things to do. Don’t settle for going to a gym if that doesn’t excite you.
  • Do you crave quiet and less stimulation? What about swimming or yoga or tai chi? Exercise that reduces the chatter of your noisy brain.
  • Do you need to sneak up on exercise? Take the stairs instead of the escalator. Try out one of those short, intense online exercise apps?

Please don’t let boredom – the #1 reason ADHD adults don’t exercise – stop you. Use your creativity to outsmart your resistance. Stand up and fight to build a brain that supports you.


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