ADHD Coaching Explained: What’s It All About?

by | Dec 1, 2015 | ADHD Coaching | 0 comments

If you or someone you love has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, you know the chaos and frustration ADD / ADHD causes. But there’s hope. With the help of an ADHD coach, people with ADHD can calm the chaos by learning how to manage both their life and their brain.

What is an ADHD Coach?

An ADHD coach is a professional trained to guide and support a person in overcoming the challenges of living with ADD / ADHD at work, at school, and at home.

Specifically, ADHD coaches help their clients:what is adhd coaching

  • Create structures and tools to stay on track
  • Improve organizing skills and design organizing systems
  • Plan projects, get clear on tasks and manage time
  • Increase self-awareness
  • Set and reach their goals
  • Improve crucial lifestyle habits such as diet, sleep, and exercise
  • Improve relationship and communication skills

How Does ADHD Coaching Fit With My Other ADHD Treatment?

ADHD coaching nicely supplements the treatment you get from your physician(s) and counselor. Since you’ll talk to your coach often, he or she will have a realistic opinion about how well your ADHD symptoms are being controlled. Your coach can help you identify apparent problems with how well you’re functioning so you can take useful feedback to your doctor or counselor.

Is ADHD Coaching Different from Therapy?

ADHD Coaching is not psychotherapy. Instead of focusing on a person’s past and emotional healing, coaching focuses on taking action so a person can move to where he or she wants to go in life. Some people work with a coach while they work with a therapist or counselor.

How Does ADHD Coaching Work?

ADHD coaching is a close, ongoing partnership. Most clients work with their coach for at least six months and often much longer. In a typical relationship, coaches meet with their clients by telephone three or four times each month.

Coaching sessions cover what’s going on in the client’s life with emphases on challenges, opportunities, and strategies for success. Most coaches provide support and accountability between sessions by e-mail or phone and give homework that helps the client accomplish his or her objectives.

Does Telephone Coaching Really Work?

Yes, in fact telephone coaching works particularly well with ADHD. Most people find telephone coaching less distracting than meeting face to face. Plus, it makes it easier to select a coach since the coach doesn’t have to live in your area.

How do I Select an ADHD Coach?

Most coaches offer a get-acquainted interview or a sample coaching session at no charge. Use it to find out if you like the coach’s personality and to learn if the coach has the training and background to help your situation. It’s a good idea to talk with at least three coaches before making your choice. When evaluating your choices, listen for clues that the coach understands ADHD and how to work with it. Ask about involvement in an ADHD coach training program, membership in ADHD organizations and participation in ADHD conferences. Ask what they read about ADHD and how they keep current in the field.

Here are some questions you could ask a potential coach:

  • What training have you had to be a coach? And, specifically, to be an ADHD coach?
  • How long have you been a coach?
  • What did you do before becoming a coach?
  • How do you decide what to work on with your clients?
  • What do you expect from your clients?
  • What kinds of clients do you work really well with?
  • What type of client situations do you NOT like to work with?
  • What would you do if I had a situation you didn’t know how to handle?
  • How would you approach coaching a client in my situation

How Much Does ADHD Coaching Cost?

Coaching fees can vary greatly. Experienced coaches, for instance, charge more than newly trained coaches or coaches in training. On the other hand, ADHD group coaching, where a coach meets by telephone with a small group of clients at one time, is less expensive than individual ADHD coaching. At present, coaching is not covered by health insurance.

Is Coaching Always Successful?

No, it’s not. Working with a coach isn’t easy and it certainly isn’t a magic fix. It requires a commitment of time and money. But many of those who accept coaching with an earnest desire to improve find their lives do change for the better.


When you work with an ADHD coach you learn all kinds of new habits like being on time and being organized and key ADHD life skills.



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