How To Identify ADHD Small Business Owners

by | Nov 4, 2014 | ADHD Coaching | 0 comments

man rubbing his neck

Have you noticed there are a lot of ADHD small business owners out there?

It’s no surprise that many of us run our own businesses despite being distracted and disorganized.

We’re entrepreneurs by nature. We are bursting with enthusiasm and good ideas.

Plus, an ugly truth is that many of us don’t make stellar employees.

We march to our own drummers and our own schedules. We have off and on focus and unpredictable productivity. Distractions can quickly sideline our day.

Those details aside, with high expectations we hang out our sign and launch out on our own joining the ranks of ADHD small business owners.

We decide to open all kinds of small businesses:

  • a consulting agency,
  • CPA, or law office.
  • That technology company,
  • construction firm, or
  • medical practice.
  • A restaurant,
  • cleaning service
  • or a coaching practice.

How To Identify an ADHD Small Business Owner

Businesses owned by ADHD adults are a dime a dozen.

They’re kind of easy to spot, too.

After all, they’re the ones where the owner seems well-meaning yet overwhelmed. Projects are behind schedule.

Communication is scanty. Promises are broken. Excuses run rampant. Details fall through the cracks.

Frankly, I find it all a sad waste of potential and energy.

Remember those good ideas ADHD small business owners have? Our unique way of looking at things? Our unstoppable way of jumping off a cliff and building our parachute on the way down?

We are inspiring. We are creative. We are compassionate.

The world needs ADHD run businesses to be successful.

Just because you’re a small business owner with ADHD doesn’t mean you have to struggle. Don’t let your productivity and potential be stopped one more day.

I urge all ADHD small business owners who are tired of struggling and craving a calmer more productive and profitable life to get help!


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