ADHD’s Odd Relationship with Time

by | May 2, 2019 | Understanding ADHD | 1 comment

ADHD’s odd relationship with time is real. It’s more than being late or time blind. This week we’re looking at  ADHD’s Now / Not Now approach to time management.

Let me give an example of what I’m talking about.

It’s Monday morning after a lovely weekend. Walks with friends and dogs. Caught a movie. Puttered in the garden. Finished a great book (if you haven’t read Circe I highly recommend it). Anyway, it was just a normal, nice weekend.

How can something as benign as a nice weekend cause me ADHD trouble? Yet, it does.

You see, when I step away from work for even two days, I fall into the NOW of the weekend and my weekend activities. Work shifts into the NOT NOW zone.

It doesn’t matter how important my work as an ADHD coach is to me. When it’s in the NOT NOW, I lose my focus on what I do for a living and why I do it.

Sure, I still know I run a business, but the importance of my work fades. Kind of like it’s some mystical island bewitched by a spell.

Yes, there is beauty in living in the NOW. I get a nice break from work. But, living in the NOW does come with problems.

The troubles begin when the weekend ends. Mondays bring a tough transition where I struggle to get back in the flow of work.

My enthusiasm from the week before has faded. Darned If I can’t remember where I left off and where to start.

If I’m not careful my ADHD odd relationship with time can cause all kind of problems.

I forget what I’m excited about. My projects and priorities fade away. I can be unmotivated and spend too much time staring listlessly at the computer. Falling for every distraction.

What to Do About ADHD’s Odd Relationship with Time

This is why planning my next week BEFORE the weekend is one of my big priorities. Every Friday, no matter what else is going on, I know I have to make a plan for next week. Especially for what I’m doing on Monday.

So on Monday morning, when I come back to work, it’s easier for me to remember my priorities and follow my plan for what to do. I don’t get lost in listlessness.

Think of it as leaving a treasure map. Planning the upcoming week leaves clues to help me shift out of that odd ADHD NOW and NOT NOW time relationship.

My odd ADHD relationship with time shows up in many ways. Returning from vacation. Shifting from one project to another. Forgetting my hobbies.

What about you? How does the NOW / NOT NOW show up in your world?

To live easier with ADHD you need to accept that you live in the NOW. Be aware of where the problems arise. Prepare for when the exciting NOW becomes the NOT NOW and create ways to get back to the NOW when you need to.

This odd ADHD relationship with time doesn’t have to cause problems in your world. Aware and prepare is a good motto to live by.


1 Comment

  1. Ann Hall

    This is great!! Especially … doing your Monday “To Do” list on Friday! Love It!!


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