Ep. 221 ADHD Calendar Basic
When you have ADHD, you need to be able to manage your time, stay on top of tasks, show up for appointments and pay attention to the future and a...
Best ADHD Diet for the Holiday Season
It’s that time of year again - month after month of holidays that revolve around food. Candy corn and bite-sized chocolate bars, turkey and...
Ep. 220 The Magic Question
I recently picked the Lazy Genius Kitchen book by Kendra Adachi to find some fresh new ideas on meal planning for an upcoming module in the ADHD...
How to Finish Projects If You Have ADHD
Wondering how to finish projects if you have ADHD? Of course you are! We are famous for not finishing what we start. Often leaving projects only 90%...
Ep. 219 Preheat the Project Over
With ADHD, projects can be overwhelming… take for example: making dinner. There are soooo many steps that you need to take – choosing a recipe,...
Does ADHD Get Worse with Age?
Does ADHD get worse with age? That's an interesting question and one I seem to be getting often these days. As I mentioned in Episode 218 of Kick...
Ep. 218 Menopause and ADHD
If you're a woman over 40, you might be wondering why your ADHD symptoms are going haywire. Or you might be looking up the diagnosis wondering if...
5 Ways to Adjust to Daylight Savings Time
It happened again. We turned the clocks back an hour for Daylight Savings Time. < insert very loud groan and whine > Why do we continue to do...
Ep. 217 Practice the Pause
Learning when and how to take a break is a really important skill for managing ADHD. We need to be mindful of ourselves, but just being aware isn’t...