ADHD Success Blog


The ADHD Myth: Just Try Harder

The ADHD Myth: Just Try Harder

This week I kicked off the ADHD Success Club with a brand new module - Realities of ADHD. It reminded me about all the incorrect ideas and myths...

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Do You Need an ADHD Community?

Do You Need an ADHD Community?

Living with ADHD can be lonely. Since we act and think differently than other people, we often can feel like we don’t fit in. That’s why having a...

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The 123s of ADHD Success

The 123s of ADHD Success

ADHD Success is such a subjective thing. Your vision of success for you - what that would look like, how you would feel, what it would involve - is...

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Meditate More on This!

Meditate More on This!

Over the past 2 weeks, we’ve talked about ADHD and meditation.  We started with the WHY and the many benefits of having a regular meditation...

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5 Easy ADHD Meditation Tricks

5 Easy ADHD Meditation Tricks

Last week, I talked about a no-cost, natural way to help you reduce the power ADHD can have over your life: meditation. (If you missed the first...

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