Ep. 38: ADHD Task List Overhaul

by | Mar 1, 2021 | Kick Some ADHD Podcast | 0 comments

ADHD task list

Anyone with ADHD has forgotten things they needed to do. Even really important things that you’d think you’d never lose track of can (and will!) fall victim to the quirks of the ADHD brain.

And that’s just one of the reasons why we often have tried multiple approaches to tracking our “to do” items.

Whether you call yours a “to do list,” a “task list,” or any one of a number of other names, you probably have not one, but many of these going. Some of us have forgotten more tracking systems than some people who don’t have ADHD have ever tried!

So if you have smartphone apps, computer software, web tools, paper lists, sticky notes, and other things not called “task list” but which you’re using to remind you of things you need to do… you’re not alone. In fact, you’re dealing with a very common ADHD struggle.

But you can tame your task list.

In Episode #38 of the Kick Some ADHD podcast, we talk about exactly how to tackle the ADHD nightmare that is the task list problem.

Click here to listen in to David’s anguish over the “to do list” struggle… and the problem of time debt. More importantly, we talk through the proven approach that will help you stay out of trouble with your task list.


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