ADHD Success Blog


Does ADHD Get Worse with Age

Does ADHD Get Worse with Age

Does ADHD get worse with age? That's an interesting question and one I seem to be getting often these days. As I wrote in my last blog post ADHD can...

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What Makes ADHD Worse?

What Makes ADHD Worse?

What Makes ADHD Worse? Recently I've received a few questions from ADD Success readers who wondered if ADHD gets worse with age. There are number of...

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Internet Rabbit Hole

Internet Rabbit Hole

I think we can all admit that online sites and activities are easily distracting.  For adults with Attention Deficit Disorder, knowing the world is...

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Breaking News About Adult ADHD!

Breaking News About Adult ADHD!

Ready for a big surprise about adult ADHD? I just read this in the Chicago Tribune Health Section. ADHD isn’t just a childhood condition. Roughly...

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