The Cure for ADHD Procrastinating on Taxes

by | Feb 9, 2017 | ADHD Productivity | 0 comments

ADHD procrastinating on taxesGot ADHD? Procrastinating on taxes is probably your annual routine. (And you thought you didn’t follow routines…)

We’ve covered ADHD and taxes for the past two ADHD Success blogs. Today we’ll wrap up it up by covering my favorite strategy to stop the ADHD tax procrastination dance.

Here are the past two blogs if you missed them. Pay special attention to the one about the ADHD tax organizing system.

Why adults with ADHD procrastinate on taxes and how to get around it.

How to set up a simple ADHD tax organizing system that works.

The Ugly Reality of ADHD Tax Procrastination

Here’s what I know. Suppose you read my ADHD tax blog posts and do everything I say. April 15 rolls around and you’ll still be procrastinating on your taxes. ADHD works that way.

That’s why I want you to stop fighting procrastination and make it work in your favor. Plan to procrastinate. Use what I call Strategic Procrastination.

How does Strategic Procrastination work? It’s pretty simple, actually.

First, block out what I call a procrastination buffer. Time right before the tax deadline to work on your taxes. Don’t schedule other things in your buffer. It is for focusing on your taxes at the last minute.

Strategic Procrastination won’t work without a wide procrastination buffer.

Next, take as many tiny steps towards working on your taxes as you can before you get to the procrastination buffer. This will help make preparing your taxes at the last minute easier.

I mean tiny steps. Putting all the tax forms in one place as the mail comes in is an example of a tiny step. Magical thinking isn’t allowed. Your intention isn’t to get your taxes done early. Your intention is to make tax preparation easier before the deadline.

You’ve got ADHD. Procrastinating on taxes may be a reality. But, it doesn’t have to make a snarled mess out of tax time. In the ADHD Success Club, you’ll learn all my best strategies to beat procrastination. Affordable ADHD Coaching at it’s best. Great People + Great Results = ADHD Success!


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