ADHD overwhelm. Sometimes it just overpowers us in an instant. We can be energized and optimistic one moment and then shut down the next.
You may know the feeling all too well. Maybe you feel paralyzed. Perhaps when the state of overwhelm takes you, you feel like you’re just spinning. You experience anxiety… and maybe even panic. You’re stressed. You might even feel guilt and shame.
For one particular type of ADHD, Dana even theorizes that “overwhelm” is our standard modus operandi. Is that you?
More importantly, once you’re in the state of ADHD overwhelm, how can you navigate your way out? And might there even be a way to prevent it from ambushing you in the future?
We talk about all of this, PLUS practical things you can do today to shrink the amount of time you spend in this debilitating state of ADHD overwhelm in this episode of the Kick Some ADHD podcast – check it out here.