With ADHD, is there a way for you to engage with something—even if it’s boring—and then see it through to the end? Not because there’s an impending deadline or you’ve tricked yourself into hyper-focusing on it, but just because it’s worthwhile to do?
The answer might just surprise you!
But then again, if you’ve listened to this podcast for a while, then perhaps not.
What does fabulous focus even look like? It involves:
- Getting started on a task or project (often the hardest part for us)
- Sustaining momentum once we get going, which means not getting blown off course by distractions, interruptions, and the breaks we sometimes must take
- Finishing, which means truly seeing something through all the way to the end
The foundation we need to build for this kind of focus may look a little different for each of us, but by the end of this episode of Kick Some ADHD, you’ll know how to go about constructing yours! Click here to tune in!