Ep. 174: Become Intimate with Your Procrastination (Replay #61)

by | Nov 13, 2023 | Kick Some ADHD Podcast | 0 comments

procrastination and ADHD

Today we’re digging back into the archives to provide you an encore presentation of Episode 61 – all about procrastination and ADHD!

Procrastination is Buried at the Root of MANY ADHD Challenges

The DSM-V diagnostic criteria for ADHD includes the following:

Often avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort (e.g., schoolwork or homework; for older adolescents and adults, preparing reports, completing forms, reviewing lengthy papers).

What kinds of tasks require sustained mental effort? Those where:

  • we don’t know what to do
  • we don’t know where to start
  • they seem too hard to do (e.g. they have a lot of steps)

We would modify the DSM-V to read a bit more accurately:

Often avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in tasks that are BORING or REQUIRE A HABIT.

The truth is that many of the issues we face with ADHD have a procrastination component.

And that’s why we need to pay attention to our procrastination conversations:

  1. “I Don’t Wanna” Procrastination
  2. “I’ll Do it Later” Procrastination
  3. “Where Do I Start?” Procrastination
  4. “It’s Too Hard To Do!” Procrastination
  5. “That’ll Take Forever” Procrastination

In this episode, we talk about

  • how to listen to these conversations,
  • what they mean,
  • and how to move forward

This is one you don’t want to miss – click here to listen in!


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