Ep. 187 Breaking the Tech Tractor Beam

by | Apr 9, 2024 | Kick Some ADHD Podcast | 0 comments

tech tractor beam

If you’re a sci-fi fan, you know that getting caught in a tractor beam is NOT a good thing. It always leads to the heroes having to battle their way out and losing time, energy, and focus.

Now…take a moment to apply this idea to your phone. How often do you get caught in its magnetic pull? What pulls you in? How long are you getting stuck? (Did you know there’s a way to determine the amount of time you spend on your phone? It just might shock you!)

Tune in to episode 187 of Kick Some ADHD because I’m going to share a few ways that you can break this tractor beam when it hits so you aren’t caught up for long!

(Or if you want to back up a bit and learn more about technology and ADHD, start with Episode 186 on Beating ADHD Phone Addiction.)


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