Ep. 196: Unpacking ADHD Triggers

by | Jun 11, 2024 | Kick Some ADHD Podcast | 0 comments

In Episode 193 of the Kick Some ADHD podcast, we talked about Stopping ADHD Rumination.

One of our tricks to stop thoughts spiraling out of control is to become aware of the triggers that cause you to dwell on negative thoughts or feelings. In other words, the events or situations that flip on your rumination switch.

Building awareness of your triggers is a key ADHD kicking skill that goes way beyond helping with rumination. Learning your triggers can help you in many areas of making your ADHD easier.

Tune into this episode of Kick Some ADHD to learn how you can identify the things that make your ADHD symptoms or habits flare and why this information is so important to living easier with ADHD.


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