Ep. 91: Talking About ADHD at Work

by | Apr 5, 2022 | Kick Some ADHD Podcast | 0 comments

ADHD at work

Should you disclose your ADHD diagnosis to colleagues, clients, or your employer? This could have major implications, and isn’t something you want to do impulsively.

In our last episode, we talked about working with other people who have ADHD. If that’s you, maybe you’ve already told some of your coworkers that you have ADHD. And sometimes it’s a really great idea to tell not just your coworkers, but your employer as well. Some companies provide accommodations or even pay for coaching or other support!

But talking about ADHD at work can also have serious consequences that you may not have thought about.

Today, we discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly about revealing that you have ADHD at work. You’ll hear real stories of people who had great experiences—and some tales where things went very, very wrong.

Click here to listen in to Episode #91 of the Kick Some ADHD podcast!


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