Episode 206: Later Means Never

by | Aug 20, 2024 | Kick Some ADHD Podcast | 0 comments

later means never

One of the sneaky little lies we tell ourselves is: “Oh, I’ll do it later.

You’ve used that one before, right? “I’ll do it later” is our favorite form of procrastination. It sounds like a thoughtful plan. “I don’t have the time…I don’t want to do it now…I’m too tired… I’ll do it later.”

All those may be true, and it might be good to wait, BUT it’s the later that’s the problem. 

Later is a lie. It’s a nebulous Never Never Time.

Tune in to learn a new mantra (or ADHD Code) to help you eliminate the ‘later‘ so you get things done.

Don’t say later…do it now — click here!


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