How to Have an Amazing New Year!

by | Jan 4, 2024 | ADHD Resources | 0 comments

new year 2024

So…did you wake up to a new year in 2024 and find everything easier?

Wouldn’t that be incredible? That changing to a new calendar year really did automatically reduce all the obstacles and wipe away all the challenges? You were met with a clean slate where you could easily get things done, manage all your responsibilities, and enjoy life in the process?

Yeah, I didn’t walk through a magic mirror into that possibility either.

But I do have something else which is still kind of magic…I have the ADHD Success Club. 

The ADHD Success Club is like a weekly, live, interactive podcast giving you ADHD skills training + ADHD coaching + supportive community + questions answered + ongoing support + accountability. Specially designed to help you transform the way you live with ADHD

Frankly, you won’t find another program as comprehensive as the ADHD Success Club. You’d have to buy every book in the ADHD self-help section and listen to every ADHD summit and hire a coach and gather a group of other people with ADHD and find an accountability partner and record it all to get all you’d receive when you sign up!

What makes the ADHD Success Club unique?

It’s a live interactive program so you get immediate answers to your questions and concerns during the weekly training calls.

It’s way less expensive than working privately with me, but still provides you with the direct attention, guidance, encouragement and includes my unique practical approach to outsmarting ADHD. 

It holds you accountable. Sure, you can learn tools from books or summits. But the ADHD Success Club has calls where you can get the support, problem-solving, cheering and accountability so you implement what you’re learning and get things done.

It’s a community. You have your own cheering and motivational squad, accountability partners and people who understand you in the Club and the private Facebook Group. 

It’s ADHD-friendly. The calls are interactive. Designed for our brief attention spans. Each week, you’ll learn practical skills and insights for managing ADHD. 

It’s organized. To avoid overwhelm, the Success Club is designed around Units and Modules. You get an amazing amount of information delivered in a well-paced, manageable way.

It’s flexible. You can join the weekly training calls or listen to the recordings on your own time. And you can join now and get all the recordings of calls that have already happened. You haven’t missed a thing!

Most ADHD programs offer band-aids. The Success Club offers transformation. That’s why many Success Club members join over and over again. They are finding change that can withstand all the challenges the year will bring – join us today and let the magic of the ADHD Success Club make your 2024 a little bit easier!


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