Love Notes for the ADHD Success Club

by | May 25, 2017 | ADHD Coaching | 0 comments

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Here are some unsolicited emails I’ve gotten from ADHD Success Club members (or spouses).  Picture your love note here in a few months.

The program means a lot to me, and I can see many improvements in my life as I apply the lessons learned.


Thank you so much! I am learning so much from you! Thank you for the wonderful work you are doing 🙂


I have benefited greatly from the Success Club, Dana, and will continue to do so with your material and recordings. As we say in my work, this is a ‘living document’. The recording are kept at my fingertips for regular reference; enhanced as I continue to learn about these topics, me and my ADHD/ Depression/ Anxiety mix; and re-played to feel the support and validation from you in every call. You are a treasure… thank you! ?


As always, there is some pearls of wisdom and support I get in every one of your calls! Thanks for doing what you do so eloquently, with heart!


I wanted to also mention that my husband has been in and out of the hospital 3 times in the last month. This is always very stressful and usually (he’s been in hospital several times in the past 5 years) I just sit around and eat junk food, watch mindless tv, stay up too late, stare off into space for hours – when I’m not visiting him, of course.

But this last time, I was able to do quite a bit of house cleaning in the area where he’d been sick, so that it would look nice when he came home, I was able to work with a client or two, I hardly watched tv at all, and I even ate fairly healthy.

Just wanted you to know that I don’t think I could have done things this way if I’d not been in the Success Club. Yeah, I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t have happened.
with Gratitude,


Dana, the Success Club been a TREMENDOUS help for my husband and we are SO thankful for your coaching!!!!! (especially me *;) winking)
Again, THANK YOU!!


Want to send me your own Success Love Note? The new season of the ADHD Success Club starts in September and you can learn more by clicking here!


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