Managing The ADHD Medication Shortage

by | Jan 11, 2012 | General | 0 comments

medication shortage

If you take medication to manage your Adult ADD / ADHD you may have noticed an ADHD Medication Shortage at your local pharmacy. Actually, the ADHD Medication Shortage is effecting many parts of the United States.

A number of my ADD coaching clients can’t get their stimulant medication prescriptions filled. Obviously, it’s posing problems. These folks require their ADD medication to function. We’ve been forced to switch the focus of our coaching calls from achieving goals and playing bigger in the world to more rudimentary ADD / ADHD management skills.

Naturally, many of my clients look to me for news about the ADHD medication shortage. CHADD, the international, non-profit ADD / ADHD organization, has become my most reliable source for information.

Will you help CHADD keep their finger on the pulse of the shortage? Even if your ADHD prescription isn’t effected, can you spare a minute to complete a survey?

The quick, anonymous survey asks what ADHD medications you take, if you are having trouble filling your prescription and in what part of the USA you live. Your name and other personal information are not collected.

CHADD is requesting anyone who takes ADD / ADHD medications complete the survey even if they’re not effected by the shortage. The data collected will help CHADD know much more about the extent of the problem, all the medications being affected, and the geographic distribution.

Here’s the link to the ADHD Medication Shortage Survey

The ADHD Medication Shortage is complicated. The CHAAD web site has some useful posts to help you in managing the issue.

If you want to learn what has led to the ADHD Medication shortage, read “Why Can’t I Get My ADHD Medications?

If you would like some tips on how to find a pharmacy that can fill your stimulant prescription and managing the ADHD medication shortage check out “Shortages of ADHD Medications.”


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