Maya Learns ADHD Self Acceptance

by | May 22, 2017 | Maya's Journey to Success | 0 comments

ADHD self acceptanceGotta love Maya. She didn’t write a darn thing about the Morning Routines module I just taught the AM Success Club. Instead she wrote about something better. How over the past months her ADHD self acceptance is growing. A true milestone in Maya’s Journey to ADHD Success.

“Finally I am coming to the conclusion that my highest ambition is to be what I already am. That I will never fulfill my obligation to surpass myself unless I first accept myself, and if I accept myself fully in the right way, I will already have surpassed myself.” —Thomas Merton, “Journal,” October 2, 1958

For the past several weeks I have been focused on all the things in my world that I don’t accept in myself. I don’t accept that I fail at getting things done. I don’t accept that I fail at prioritizing. I don’t accept that planning is a nightmare. I don’t accept that my stuff doesn’t go to the same place. And this week, since we’re working on morning routines in the ADHD Success Club, I don’t accept that it takes me a long time to get ready in the AM because I get sidetracked and distracted.

You know what, though, I accept me. ADHD and all. I accept this place and this space where I am. After listening to the ADHD Success Club Skills and Action calls each week, I am fully aware of what I’m doing wrong and what needs to be done.

This newfound awareness is a shade different than awareness in the past because the awareness comes with acceptance of my ADHD self being in this place.

Tonight I did my planning like Dana taught us several weeks ago in the Success Club. I planned my week and began looking at what I have to do each day this last week of school. The week is packed, and I’m not spiraling into a state of overwhelm. I’m looking at all I have going on, all my family has going on and figuring out how to get things done. Without a reminder from my husband, I even asked him about an extra function at his school on Thursday. (Dana here, cheering YES! YES! YES!!!! ADHD self acceptance is HUGE progress!)

All this may seem small to some people, but to me this is huge. I’m facing this last week of hecticness–I’m meeting it head on. This weekend I visited my classroom to get a jump on packing some things up to avoid feeling crazy about that. I also finished up ALL my grading, so I could be done with that.

ADHD self acceptance isn’t that hard. The only thing required is owning who I am and where I am. I have a lot to do–some things I put off but recognizing my full plate this week, I worked ahead in other areas this weekend. Beating myself up about not being where I want to be or complicating things by spending too much time in my head doesn’t move me forward. However, self-acceptance of where I am does wonders in cultivating the right mindset–one of growth.


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