Omega 3s Reduce ADHD Symptoms: My Chia Seed Secret Weapon

by | Feb 17, 2014 | ADHD Symptom Control | 6 comments

Did you read my last ADD Success blog post?bag of chia seeds That’s where we talk about how Omega-3s reduce ADHD symptoms

If you did you know:

– a diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce ADHD symptoms.

– Chia seeds are one of my favorite ways to easily add Omega-3s and protein to an ADHD-friendly diet.

– Prominent ADHD doctors Ned Hallowell and Daniel Amen recommend adults with ADHD get between 2,000 and 4,000 mg of Omega-3s each day to make living with ADHD easier.

My Chia Seed Secret Weapon

To live successfully with ADHD you have to make things easy.

That’s why I adore my incredibly easy way of sneaking Omega-3 rich chia seeds into my family’s diet. Even though I’m the only one of us with ADHD, Omega 3s are healthy for us all.

I keep one of those Parmesan cheese shakers they have at pizza parlors full of chia seeds one step away on my kitchen shelf. (Don’t know what I mean by steps? You need to read my book, Organized for Life!)

To slip 2,000 mg of Omega-3 fatty acids into my family’s diet in a flash, I simply grab the shaker of chia seeds off the shelf and dash about a tablespoon into smoothies, oatmeal, waffles and eggs.

Do I measure them out? Of course not! Measuring takes too many steps.

Even Favorite Daughter, with her amazingly sensitive tastebuds, doesn’t suspect they’re there, though she does turn up her nose at flax seeds and walnuts.

I’m sneaky that way.

You can read other ADD Success blogs I’ve written on Omega-3 fatty acids and ADHD here:

Chia seeds are my favorite natural way to let Omega-3s reduce ADHD symptoms. They’re healthy and packed with protein. It just doesn’t get much easier. If you haven’t tried chia seeds yet what’s stopping you?


  1. Shanti

    After reading this post, I was at the grocery store and happened upon a Greek yogurt that has Chia in it premixed. It’s The Epic Seed’s Greek Yogurt with Chia. It has 850 mg of omega 3’s. So one little cup and you’re almost half way there! Just thought you’d like to check it out.

  2. danarayburn

    Thanks, Shanti! I haven’t seen that. I’ll have to check it out. Sound like a perfect way for ADHD adults to easily get omega 3s in their diets. I love things that get two birds with one stone. (That’s a horrible saying, isn’t it?)

  3. Yodit

    I am very glad to see a real testimonies here ,I am a mother of 3 and half years old son who is displaying a sign of ADHD ,I am trying as much as possible to find more information how I can improve his child hood with out AdHd getting on his way .He throws him self multiple times through out the days and he constantly jump and abuse his brother sibling he does not do it to me but I am just trying to rule out what is really going on .At nursery when he was just 2 his teacher told me that he might have ADHD offcourse i did not accept her but I know he gave them a hard time .When he see new person or if we go somewhere that require sitting he would jump scream talk a lot and throws him self I say he should not do this at the age of 3.. so any help i am more than to wellcome

    • Dana Rayburn

      Hi Yodit, I’m so glad you’re figuring out the best way to get help for your son. I don’t work with children, however, I can recommend a book, Finally Focused by James Greenblatt, MD. I wish you all the best, Dana

  4. HD Cross

    Have you ever done Chia Water? Do you think it would work for ADHD? I used to do it all the time, but it was years ago, pre diagnosis, and I can not remember if it had any effect other than I liked the odd texture.

    • Dana Rayburn

      No HD, I haven’t tried Chia Water. I’d say try it again and see if you notice a difference in your ADHD. Give it a few weeks to really see the impact. Let us know what you discover. And, remember to make it easy to use the Chia! Good luck, Dana


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