A Simple ADHD-Friendly Trick for Clearing Clutter

by | Apr 28, 2016 | Organizing ADHD | 0 comments

adhd-friendly trick for clearing clutterLast week I wrote about how not to clear clutter if you have ADHD. If you missed it, I reviewed the best selling book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. This week I want to give you a simple ADHD-friendly trick for clearing clutter.

You need to know more than what not to do. Knowing ADHD-friendly tricks for clearing clutter is important, too.

At its root clearing clutter is deciding what to keep and what to get rid of. This doesn’t have to be hard to do. You can make clutter clearing ADHD-friendly.  

It actually boils down to a few simple questions. Answer them honestly and you’ll be able to get rid of lots of the stuff you own.

IMPORTANT: This ADHD-friendly clutter clearing technique applies to STUFF NOT PAPERS. Getting rid of papers gets more complicated. Get rid of the wrong paper and you could land in trouble with the IRS.  

The #1 ADHD-Friendly Trick For Clearing Clutter

Don’t make this harder than it has to be. All you do is pick up any item and and ask yourself two questions:

  • Do I like it?
    Do you have positive thoughts when you look at the item? Or, do you look at it and think how ugly or worn out the thing is?
  • Do I use it?
    Do you use it often? Have you used it in the past year.? DO NOT fall for the I might use it someday trap. Keeping something because you might use it someday is cheating. It doesn’t get you anywhere. You’ll continue to live with clutter if you let yourself fall for that lie.

Yes, clearing clutter can be that ADHD-friendly and simple. If you don’t like something, and don’t use it, don’t keep it.

Don’t expect to be able to get rid of everything with this technique. Some stuff does take more thought.

But, these two questions can be enough to get you started. Remember, clearing clutter is like a muscle you build with practice. Just getting started can make a difference.

Keeping stuff you don’t like and don’t use drains your energy and adds chaos and jumble to your life. If you don’t like it or use it, get rid of it. I hope you think this ADHD-friendly trick for clearing clutter is simple and helpful.



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