The Cost of Being an ADHD Empath

by | Feb 1, 2024 | ADHD Symptom Control | 9 comments

ADHD Empath

You might have heard that lots of people with ADHD are super sensitive. And guess what? It seems like when you’re sensitive, you’re also super empathetic. Are you one of those people – an ADHD empath? 

I suspect many ADHD adults are empaths just like I am.

Being an empath means you soak up other people’s energy in all sorts of ways. You soak up their emotions, their physical sensations, their moods, and even their thoughts. It can be a lot to handle for many of us. I know it definitely is for me!

To me, being an ADHD empath is kinda like walking through a field of prickly weeds in my mesh sneakers. Every dang weed sticks to my shoes, no matter the size. It’s the big ones, the tiny ones, and don’t even get me started on those pesky foxtails that somehow manage to jab right into my foot!

I also think that being an empath makes ADHD harder to live with. We have enough trouble doing what we need to while we’re dealing with our own stuff. Add other people’s emotions into the mix and you can be even more distracted and unmotivated.

I used to just chalk up feeling tired after a long day at work or an event to, well, just being tired. But then I started questioning if I was truly exhausted or if my empathetic self was absorbing others’ emotions. 

Turns out, that was a great question to ask. Paying attention to my empathic tendencies and how they affect me has been a cool journey of self-discovery. 

Here’s what I’ve noticed about being an empath with ADHD:

  • When I’ve absorbed others’ emotions, my whole mindset tanks. Life suddenly feels unsatisfying, and I start noticing all the negative stuff around me. It’s like I become the exact opposite of the positive person I strive to be—my glass half-full self goes completely out the window.
  • I’m strongly impacted by what I read, see, and hear. Diving deeply into the news or a violent, intense show or book sticks to me and can bring me down. This isn’t new info to me. But, how I act is. Seems I get crabby and distant with my sweet, unsuspecting husband.
  • I can absorb the emotions of people I’m not interacting with – of a whole group of strangers. Just last week I had a happy, uplifting visit with a girlfriend at my favorite cider pub. But when I got back home, I realized I was incredibly exhausted. Weird, right? I mean, my friend’s energy was fantastic, so how did I end up so drained? But of course, the place was packed with people. Could it be possible that I somehow absorbed their energy without even interacting with them? Kinda like when you’re walking through a field and those pesky stickers stick to your shoes? 

So, Dear ADHD Empath, how do you shake off everyone else’s mood, emotions, and feelings? I’ve tried a few ways to send the emotions back to the owner. Physically brushing them off my arms and torso doesn’t do the trick for me. It might work for you, though, so give it a shot.

What works better for me is to say to myself, “I’m giving all the emotions I’ve absorbed back to their owners in a way that they can handle”. When I do this, I immediately feel lighter and go back to my happy self.

I know this might sound a bit out there and different from our usual practical posts about living with adult ADHD. But I really think it’s worth talking about. I mean, when your energy is low, it becomes so much harder to handle everyday life with ADHD, you know? 

So, what can you do with this information? Well, first, pay attention. Is what you’re feeling actually yours, or does it belong to someone else or even a group of people? How does absorbing others’ emotions impact your ADHD and your life? 

Once you’ve figured that out, practice ways of clearing the emotions of others. Let’s get you back to the important work of living easier with ADHD!

Let us know below ways that you deal with others’ emotions!


  1. Rita

    Thanks, Dana!
    This is a subject I’m somewhat familiar with but I’ve never done much deep study on it. I’ve definitely experienced much of what you describe here.
    Being deeply empathetic is both a blessing and a curse (just as we always say about ADHD)! Knowing how to handle this “Gift” is the big challenge.

    So appreciative that you continue to share your knowledge and leadership on this subject!

    • Dana Rayburn

      Hi Rita! Great to hear from you, and I hope you are well. I’ve found the more I practice the better I’m getting at shielding myself from other energy. Whew!! Dana

      • John

        wow, i thought i was the only one,
        i,m 50 yr old male, hypo active adhd,
        highly stimulated by emotions and energies, i,m very sensitive to sound and light, wow, luv dancing to my energy and listening to music, don,t like been stuck in a room of people, to much to read and feel,

      • Donna

        I’ve never been diagnosed adhd tho my 30 year old son is convinced I am. what you say here is certainly me. I can’t handle loud busy places, or even a loud tv while someone is talking. or all of the grandkids at once. negative people suck all my energy. I need alone time often. I paint or make cards and can be in my art room for several hours in a day.

  2. LCS

    This is so incredibly spot on!

  3. Martin

    Wow great article! Thanks Dana for taking the time to share. I got diagnosed with ADHD at 31, I’m 40 now. So still finding out answers to why I am the way I am. Always knew I had strong empathy for others, realised tonight, I’m an empath with with ADHD. Then learnt that’s, actually a thing. Then read your article and for 90% it felt like a fortune teller giving you a perfect spot on description of who you are, how you think, and what you feel 🤯 I need a lie down 😂

  4. Philip

    I was Dx with ADHD at age 50. I have struggled all my life with this and didn’t know what it was until more recently. I just thought I was broken. My marriage has suffered a lot from being an empath. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences.

  5. Clark kent

    thank you for this article. I’ve been battling my gifts for a while now, and unfortunately my coping mechanisms for life tend to set me back after I make progress. thankfully im back to making progress and finally exploring the correlation between my high empathy, adhd, anxiety. I’m also learning that many decisions in life i made were made without knowing I had these gifts and often overlooked the flags that came with it if that makes sense. I love my family, but as an empath adhd who fell in love with and married a high anxiety ocd spouse, I ignored the
    negative impact of those and only focused on how hergifts counter acted mine. kids have since amplified that and so I’m going through it now. looking forward to reading more like this to help me navigate life.

  6. Diane

    There is so much to absorb in this article. Thank you for posting it. I have ADHD. I think I may be an empath, but I’m not sure if I am. Often, I can feel if something is off with people I know or situations I’m in. Also, I can pinpoint when a relationship has turned because of my words or behavior, but I don’t know how to correct it without making the situation worse.


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