A Simple Trick to Tackle ADHD Clutter

by | Oct 24, 2024 | ADHD Productivity | 0 comments

If you have ADHD, you probably have a bunch of unfinished tasks hanging over your head. From small chores to big projects, it’s tough to actually get things done. So you end up with clutter everywhere and a sense of overwhelm. It’s something I’ve seen a lot with my clients—and something I deal with myself both at work and at home.

Why does this happen? Why are incomplete projects a trademark of ADHD? 

People with ADHD struggle with not knowing where to start. Then there’s our passion for so many things. And don’t forget how easily we can be distracted by something else that piques a new passion. So we sit down to work, unsure what the first (or next) step is, so our mind goes all over the place, jumping into something shiny and new without finishing what we’ve already started. 

One of my awesome ADHD coaching clients, Sara, came up with a simple mantra that has totally helped with these issues: “Tie up the loose ends first.” 

Tie up the loose ends first” sounds simple, but it makes a huge difference in living with ADHD! Since Sara shared it with me, I’ve started using it in my own life and it’s been a game-changer.

Here’s how Tie Up The Loose Ends First works:

Sara tries to spend some time each day focusing on keeping her home and office organized. ADHD’s clutter is a big challenge for her, so when it’s time to get productive, she has learned to not just dive into a new task. Instead, she thinks about what’s been left undone and tackles that first. 

If she’s organizing her desk, she finishes whatever’s half-done there. Same thing in the kitchen—she starts by dealing with the dishes or anything that’s been left partly done. 

I’ve started Tying up The Loose Ends First with my workday too. When I’m figuring out what to do, I look at my list and think, “What’s still unfinished?” Sometimes it’s an email I didn’t answer, or a project I left half done. By focusing on those things first, I end up with fewer loose ends, which makes the whole day feel more manageable.

It also works at home. When I start doing chores, I look around for the half done stuff. The laundry that needs folding (and putting away). The mail to finish sorting (and putting away). The suitcase that’s still packed even though I’ve been home a while. 

I start with those things that I had already started. And it’s actually an easier win. Something half done means that I’ve already completed most of it. Now, I just need to put in a little bit more energy into it and BAM…done.

Make sense?

Of course, life happens. Sometimes there’s a big deadline or emergency that I need to do first. But for the most part, this little trick has helped me stay on top of things and avoid the overwhelm. 

So, try Sara’s mantra: Tie Up the Loose Ends First. It’s a simple, effective way to get stuff done and keep ADHD chaos in check.

Want to jump into this topic a bit more? Tune into Episode 211 of the Kick Some ADHD to learn more about how you can apply this mantra to get things done!


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