ADHD and How To Be On Time

by | Oct 24, 2013 | ADHD Productivity | 0 comments

I’ve been thinking a lot this week about how to be on time if you have ADHD.

Have you seen my last blog post: Stop Being Late With ADHD? If not, make sure to check it out. You’ll learn a great tip to make it easier for you to stop being late to life’s events.

There are three things ADHD Adults need to know to be on time. Ignore them at your own risk. The first one I’ve listed below is important but a tad obvious. The other two are key and not often considered.

Three Things You Need To Know To Be On Time

  • Travel time may be just a piece of the being on time puzzle, but it’s an essential piece. ADHD magical thinking often crops up here. ADHD adults tend to be overly optimistic about travel time. Figure out how much time you TRULY need to get where you’re going. If your commute is 30-minutes but you think you need only 25 minutes to get to work, guess what? You’ll be late! These days Maps Apps can pretty accurately pinpoint travel time. Or, get out your trusty timer and figure out exactly how long it will truly take you to get where you’re going.
  • Allow a couple of extra minutes to run back into the house and get what you forgot. I’m completely serious. You’re living in ADDLand. Until you get really good at Outsmarting Your ADHD you will forget stuff so you’d be wise to plan for that mad dash back into the house.
  • Allow enough time to get from where you park your car to where you have to go. Say you’re going to work. How long does it take you to get from your car in the parking garage into the lobby and up the elevator to your office? When I worked in the corporate world guess why I was always 7 minutes late getting to my desk? Yep. That’s how long it took to get from my car to my desk.

Learning how to be on time with ADHD may seem like a minor thing but it’s actually pretty important. Besides causing friction at work and with friends and loved ones, being late is just plain stressful.

If you’re ready to learn to Outsmart Your ADHD and live a more successful and effortless life you’ve got to learn how to be on time.


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