An ADHD Coach Takes Tangled to Tapestry

by | Mar 9, 2017 | Understanding ADHD | 0 comments

tangled to tapestryUsually, people want to find an ADHD coach because their lives are a tangled mess. Private Clients or ADHD Success Club members. It doesn’t matter. Both are weary of the living a chaotic, disorganized life.

My job as an ADHD coach is to help clients untangle the threads and weave a new tapestry. One that works to their strengths. That lets them use their ADHD to their advantage.

Often clients don’t see the big picture. But, I do. My 22 years as an ADHD coach have taught me that pulling on one thread affects another. And, if you ignore some threads nothing will work.

Recently, our guest blogger Maya pondered the tangled threads of her life. You can read Maya’s full experience  in the ADHD Success Club on the website, but, let’s avoid distraction. Here’s the part of Maya’s blog that I’m talking about:

We’re weaving this tapestry of ADHD in the Success Club, but right now I cannot make sense of the design. I’m looking at a jumbled mess of tangled threads, yet a part of me senses that each thread has its place and its own unique color. Eventually, I’ll be able to stand back and look at what we’ve  built together in the Success Club. We’ll marvel at the gift that lies in the uniqueness of acknowledging and responding to the wiring of the ADHD brain.

As an ADHD coach, I see this often. Someone may think their big problem is a disorganized office. Yet, I know disorganization is only a tiny part of the tangled threads. Clearing and focusing their brain is the first tangle to unravel.

Someone may come to me asking for help planning their chaotic week. But, the week will remain jumbled until all the pieces of managing time with ADHD are in place.

That’s why I won’t coach someone for one or two months. That’s why the ADHD Success Club is a year-long program. Untangling one or two threads doesn’t weave a beautiful tapestry. Sure the ADHD tangle is smaller. But, it’s still a tangle.

You see, I’m on very clear on my mission. To help ADHD adults weave beautiful tapestries out of the tangled threads of their life. Rich, vibrant colors. Calming, yet inspiring designs.

Untangling the varied threads of an ADHD life and weaving a more beautiful design isn’t easy. It takes facing your challenges. I’ve done it for my own life. As an ADHD coach, I’ve helped many other ADHD adults do it for theirs. Please don’t settle for a tangled ADHD life. Your beautiful tapestry is waiting to be woven.


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