ADHD Success Blog


Ep. 114: Common ADHD Myths

Ep. 114: Common ADHD Myths

You’ve heard them—popular misconceptions about ADHD that you just know have to be false. Yet enough people believe these ideas that some of them...

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Ep. 113: Digging Out the Yuck

Ep. 113: Digging Out the Yuck

With ADHD we struggle with the financial and administrative stuff in our businesses and at work. Dana has a term for all this stuff: “the yuck.”...

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Giving Gifts to Your Future Self

Giving Gifts to Your Future Self

I first heard the idea of a future self from a discussion of psychology - who you will be in the future. It’s a growth mindset where you are less...

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Ep. 111: Defining Your “Who”

Ep. 111: Defining Your “Who”

You’ve heard us bring this up countless times as we talk about your personal strategies for improving your life with ADHD. Your answer to this one...

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Ep. 110: Inside/Outside ADHD

Ep. 110: Inside/Outside ADHD

If you’ve ever attempted a series of quick fixes and temporary solutions to ADHD-related problems, you know that eventually you realize they don’t...

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