Confessions of an Adult ADD Coach: Surviving the Holidays

by | Dec 17, 2011 | Dana's World | 0 comments

surviving the holidays

I’m pleased to report  surviving the holidays is possible, despite the stress of managing adult ADD / ADHD.

It helps that I really do love Christmas.

I love the quiet and beauty in the few days right around the holiday, the twinkling lights, our beautiful tree and the music. I love nestling in with my little family all cosy and warm. I love the neighborhood cookie parties and the caroling.

It just takes so much planning and doing to get to that point.

I’m getting smarter as the years pass. I’ve learned to accept and outsmart my flavor of ADD.

I’ve ditched the Christmas cards. I’ve reduced the number of gifts I give. I decorate when I feel like it which is usually pretty close to Christmas. We stay home instead of traveling hundreds of miles to family gatherings.

If other people don’t like it, that’s too bad.

Sure, it’s still extra stuff piled on a life that is too wonderfully busy to begin with, but at least it’s extra stuff I enjoy and find meaningful.

What about you?

What will you do to survive the holidays with Adult ADD / ADHD this year? How will you simplify and what will you focus on?


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