Ep. 195 Can You Reinvent ADHD?

by | Jun 4, 2024 | Kick Some ADHD Podcast | 0 comments

reinvent adhd

You work long hours (and sometimes over the weekend), forget appointments, lose things. You’re stressed out, disorganized, distracted. Often sick, always exhausted, never going to bed feeling successful. And you feel like this will never change.

So here’s my question: Is it possible to reinvent yourself when you have ADHD?

Is it possible to learn new skills and make changes in the way that you manage your ADHD?

Allow me to introduce you to one of my clients who recently graduated from private coaching.

“Emma” started coaching for all of the above reasons. And now?

Tune in to episode 195 of Kick Some ADHD and listen to how coaching has helped Emma and what she’s done to reinvent herself and live easier with ADHD!


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