Have you checked out the Kick Some ADHD Podcast?
Hosted by ADHD Success Coach Dana Rayburn and marketing strategist David G. Johnson, this weekly show will help you understand how to maximize the unique advantages that come with ADHD while keeping the struggles and negative impacts at bay.
And this week, we focus on a common issue for many with ADHD – learning to say “no”!
Episode #42: Guard Your No
Do you find it difficult to say “no” to:
- Opportunities
- New ideas
- Nearly anyone who makes a request?
It’s incredibly common among individuals with ADHD for us to find ourselves saying “yes” to all sorts of things that may be—in hindsight—we wish we’d said “no” to instead. This adds to our already-overloaded to-do lists and leaves us suffering, missing important commitments, disappointing ourselves and others, and behind.
The fact is that there are reasons we say yes when no would be a better answer.
In this episode (#42 ) of the Kick Some ADHD podcast, we discuss why and how this happens, and—most importantly—we strategize ways to “guard your no” so that you’re empowered to avoid getting stuck in the “yes trap” in the future.
Say yes to listening to Episode #42: Guard Your No of Kick Some ADHD and tell us below – what are some ways you’ve learned to say “no?”
Want to check out the recent episodes of Kick Some ADHD? Click here.