Living with ADHD Doesn’t Have to Be So Hard

by | Mar 31, 2022 | ADHD Success Skills and Tools | 0 comments

Here’s what I know for sure: Living with ADHD doesn’t have to be so hard. I learned this all on my own the hard way and it took me many years. This knowledge led me to my mission. To help as many ADHD adults as possible discover for themselves that there is an easier way to live. 

You see, I’ve experienced both sides of ADHD. For years I lived in the chaos, frustration, and shame of my unfocused, unmanaged ADHD. I’d never even heard of ADHD until I was 33 years old. I just knew that growing up, I felt different and things other people could do were hard for me.

My school experience was an intense struggle. I felt like a fraud in my professional life. The early days of my marriage were strained by disorganization and chaos. All because of the challenges of ADHD.

Starting in college, I gradually started the process of turning my life from struggle to success. I figured out how to study and get good grades. I figured out easier ways for me to be organized at home. 

And now I enjoy the tranquility and satisfaction of having my ADHD work for me. I’m focused and in control (most of the time). 

Having lived both sides of ADHD, I know the difference. In my life and for my family. Life is much more successful and satisfying without the challenges of ADHD blocking your path. I’ll never go back to those unfocused days, nor would I want to.

I’ve spent the last 20 plus years teaching other ADHD adults how to focus better so they could live more successful and satisfying lives, too. 

Here’s what I want you to remember: Living with ADHD doesn’t have to be so hard. It really doesn’t. Make it your battle cry. Most ADHD adults spend way too much time convincing themselves that life has to be hard. A resignation to struggle and frustration. 

The truth is, when you know how to help your brain help you, living with ADHD is different. You can’t just sit around and wait for that magical day when you can focus to arrive on your doorstep! You have more control over how well your brain works and how well you can focus than you think. 

So over the next few weeks, I am going to share how you can help your brain be the best, most supportive brain it could be. Because, when your brain doesn’t work, you can’t work. I want you to be focused and intentional. So you can stand with me and thousands of others I’ve helped over the years shout, “Living with ADHD doesn’t have to be so hard!”

So make sure you keep tuning in to these newsletters every Thursday. Hit reply and let me know of questions you have, your own story, and what feels so hard. 

And do the work. So you can stand with me and thousands of others I’ve helped over the years shout, “Living with ADHD doesn’t have to be so hard!”

Keep growing and learning:


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