If you have ADHD, then there is a good chance that you struggle to focus. You forget appointments. Miss deadlines. Work hard all day long but end up getting very little done.
Which leaves you feeling overwhelmed, unsuccessful, and frustrated…and probably with a headache from all ways you end up kicking yourself.
But life doesn’t have to be this way. There is a solution that can help you manage the symptoms, learn new systems, and eliminate those negative feelings associated with your ADHD. And the answer is ADHD coaching.
What is an ADHD Coach?
An ADHD Coach is similar to an athletic coach. If you played a sport growing up, you probably started by showing up to practice. You warmed up, and then worked to improve your game by learning new skills that helped you excel during competitions.
Your coach expected you to go home, practice your skills, and show up at the next practice/game with just a little more skill mastery. With gradual improvement over time, eventually you won your big game. <<insert cheering in the distance and that positive feeling of success>>
An ADHD coach does the same thing. Your reasons for working with a coach might not include a ball or field, but both ADHD and neurotypical adults alike hire coaches to help them level up in their personal and professional lives.
An ADHD life coach works specifically with adults who have ADHD – our niche. We know you have unique struggles (and a wonderful, unique creativity) that are entirely different from the average person. We’ve studied the science and background needed to help us understand ADHD mindsets. We’re experts in helping people with attention deficit. And many of us have ADHD ourselves. This helps us empathize and gives us first-hand knowledge.
What ADHD Coaching Doesn’t Do
When considering a professional for ADHD, most think of counselors, psychologists, or psychiatrists. While these professionals are vital for ADHD adults in managing anxiety, depression, and the emotional hammering of living with attention deficit, they don’t work the same way as an ADHD coach.
An ADHD coach doesn’t dig deeply into your feelings, emotions, or past. It’s not that we don’t care – we do. But we’re not trained to diagnose or treat clinical symptoms.
Rather, an ADHD coach focuses more on your future. We teach you how to manage your career and home life by working with your ADHD. Not against it.
The skills you’ll learn for living with ADHD from your coach will directly boost your self-esteem and reduce your stress and overwhelm. Empowering you to change the systems that are stressing you out…for the better.
A good ADHD coach will accept, challenge, and love you for the unique adult you are…
…without putting you in a neurotypical box or getting frustrated at the symptoms you face.
…all while helping you learn and implement the skills so you succeed with your ADHD – whatever that looks like for you!
To recap, ADHD Coaching is an important tool in your ADHD treatment tool kit. With the help of a well-trained, experienced ADHD coach you’ll be on the road to making life easier with ADHD. Who doesn’t want more of that?!?
Interested in ADHD Coaching? Click here to take the first step!