Self Treatment for ADHD: Remembering To Take Your Supplements

by | Jun 4, 2011 | ADHD Symptom Control | 1 comment

Remembering To Take Your SupplementsAt the risk of sounding like your mother, “Take your vitamins!” Vitamins and supplements, especially Omega-3 Fish Oils, are important parts of self treatment of ADHD / ADD.

You know you need to take vitamins, but do you? If not, why not? If you’re like my ADD coaching clients, you probably don’t take your vitamins because you forget.

If I were coaching you on living more easily with your ADD / ADHD we’d strategize on how to make it part of your daily routine. Routines are very personal. What works for one person might not work for another. If you aren’t successful with one approach, try another and make adjustments until you find what works for you.

Two Strategies To Help ADD / ADHD Adults Remember To Take Their Supplements

Pill Organizer – Some of my ADD coaching clients find loading up a pill organizer with a week’s worth of vitamins and supplements simplifies their life. I tried this approach for a few months. Then one day, it didn’t work for me anymore. As I remember, the whole system fell apart because too much depended upon me refilling the box on Sunday night. When that didn’t happen, I didn’t have vitamins for the week. Seems silly, but when something becomes too hard to do a person with ADD / ADHD won’t do it.

Unique Dish – This simple system has worked for me for years. Many of my ADD coaching clients like it, too. I keep a small purple dish on the kitchen counter and our vitamins and supplements in the cupboard right above. Seeing the empty dish in the morning reminds me to get out my daily dose of vitamins and supplements. The dish catches my eye at meal time so I remember to take my pills. This is the kind of simple visual reminder that works well for adults with Attention Deficit.

Here are some other ADD Success posts about diet and ADHD you might find helpful:

Self treatment for ADD / ADHD is very important. Remembering to take your supplements and vitamins puts you’re further along the road to better brain functioning and ADD Success.

1 Comment

  1. Pursuit of Focus

    The purple dish hint seems like a good idea! Triggers such as these can be very helpful for those living with ADHD.


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