Take a moment and think about the words you use to talk about organizing.
If you’re like most disorganized people you say, “I need to get organized.”
However, simply getting organized isn’t enough. In fact, it’s only a small part of your struggle with disorganization.
Your real challenge is staying organized.
Unless you learn to stay organized you’re doomed to spend the rest of your life getting organized over and over again.
Perhaps that’s what you do now? Clear up the clutter only to have it reappear?
Don’t feel bad. Most disorganized people do the exact same thing.
That’s why in my Organized for Life program I stress staying organized as well as getting organized. Because unless you know how to stay organized you’re destined to a life of clearing up clutter only to have it pile up again.
I think you deserve better than that, don’t you?
The Secret to Staying Organized with ADHD
You’ve got to do a little bit for a few minutes every day.
It’s as simple as that.
Take a break, and before you know it, you’re swimming in clutter again.
I know you’re busy. I am, too. After a full day of all the stuff you’ve got going on in your life often the last thing you want to do is spend a bunch of time staying organized.
But, notice I said a few minutes. Really, that’s all it takes. A few minutes every day.
Can you honestly tell me you can’t find ten or fifteen minutes each day to dash through your house or office throwing and putting things away?
It’s a matter of priorities.
Do want to stay organized instead of getting organized over and over again? Than you’re going to have to log off Facebook, shut down Angry Birds or whatever else you do that sucks away your time and spend fifteen minutes a day dealing with the clutter that accumulates in your life.
That my friend is the secret to being organized. A little bit every day is the ticket to living a peaceful, organized life, even if you have ADD or ADHD.
Dana Rayburn is an ADD Coach dedicated to helping adults outsmart their Attention Deficit and live more successful and satisfying lives. Read more free articles about living successfully with ADD / ADHD or check out Dana’s Organized for Life program.
This is so true. Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed by all the mess, I don’t even know where to begin. Sometimes, all I need is 5 minutes to make a huge difference and feel less overwhelmed!
GREAT site, Dana – excellent content, lots of heart. I’m proud of you. (You look GREAT too — sue me, I’m vapid !)
mgh (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie, SCAC, MCC – blogging at ADDandSoMuchMore and on ADDerWorld – dot com!)