My ADHD Journey – Part 4: What I Learned About ADHD Medication for Adults

by | Nov 29, 2018 | Dana's World | 0 comments

Seven years went by between the day I learned about ADHD, and the day I received a diagnosis from an actual MD. I was 42. In the final blog of this series, I want to share my journey with ADHD medication.

The neurologist I saw knew I was a professional ADHD coach. He agreed with my self-diagnosis and prescribed Adderall.

Why I Decided to Try ADHD Medication

Until I met with the doctor, I resisted treating my ADHD with medication. Yes, I struggled to be productive. Like many ADHD adults, I tried to bash my way through life. Hoping everything would turn out okay and beating myself up when it didn’t. I’d always managed to muddle through, but the stress and shame were powerful.

My awakening came when our daughter turned two. My ADHD colliding with the terrible twos wasn’t pretty. My stress exploded into impatience and overwhelm. It was no longer about me and my struggles. I realized I needed to try ADHD medication to help us both survive.

The medication gave me a foundation to take my functioning to the next level. It helped me realize what having a well-organized brain felt like. Later, when I went off the medication, I knew what I was aiming for.

My time taking Adderall helped me set up better systems for myself and my clients. I also improved my awareness of the pitfalls and detours of the ADHD brain.

Why I Stopped Taking ADHD Medication

I quit taking Adderall because my insurance stopped paying for it. At the time, we couldn’t afford to spend $200 a month on medication. When I stopped the medication, I dug into managing ADHD with natural brain care. I experimented with diet, hydration, exercise, sleep, gut health, supplements, and fish oil.

Over time I realized I could do a lot on my own to manipulate and positively impact my own brain function. Sometimes I still wish I had an Adderall pill to take when I want to hyperfocus and blaze through a project. But most days, I no longer need ADHD medication to be at my best.

However, for many people with ADHD, medication is essential. Even life-changing. And, their medication works even better when they practice the right brain care.  

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about my journey with ADHD these past few weeks. Your journey is just as unique. Embrace your ADHD you. Do what you need to do to live the best life you can. And remember, whether or not you decide to take ADHD medication, you might be amazed how much natural brain care can help.


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