Many of us with ADHD have a fear of starting new things. It’s not because we are nervous about the challenge. Or think it’s a bad idea. It’s not about the THING at all. In fact,...
ADHD Success Skills and Tools
Why Clarity is Important for ADHD: Beginning, Middle and End
Every year I ask members what they loved about the ADHD Success Club. Here’s what they said: The written well-structured materials with concrete steps that support the weekly...
ADHD Rule: Work to Your Strengths
When people ask me for advice on how to live more easily with ADHD, one of the strategies I recommend is: work to your strengths. It’s how I structure my day. The mantra when I...
Free Your Life From Friction
Picture your life in five years. How would you like it to be? Wealthier? Happier? Better organized? Stronger relationships? Creating the life you desire is challenging....
How’s Your Summer with ADHD?
Are you having an easy, breezy summer with ADHD? When hot, humid months hit, they usually bring changes in schedules, pace, routines and locations. And ADHD doesn’t like to...
Keeping Commitments with ADHD
The weather is getting warmer and that means everyone will soon be coming out of their self-imposed winter hibernation. I’m so excited… and worried. This means hiking and beach...
ADHD Laundry Tricks: Conquering the Laundry Beast
It’s a never-ending task. Once you complete it, within 24 hours there’s more to do. Every gosh-darned day. What am I talking about? Laundry. The collecting, washing,...
The Cure for ADHD Procrastinating on Taxes
It’s that time of year again - tax season! If you just had a negative reaction, don’t worry, you’re not alone. ADHD adults have a complicated problematic relationship with tax...
Remember Your Supplements with ADHD
At the risk of sounding like your mother, “Take your vitamins!” Vitamins and supplements, especially Omega-3 Fish Oils, are important parts of self-treatment of ADHD. You know...
The Harsh Truth about Clutter and Your Emotions
Let’s talk about how emotional clutter is. I’m not talking about those fluttery emotions from the Hallmark cards you get on your birthday. I mean the heavy, troublesome emotions:...