Yesterday I listened to an informative ADHD Support Talk Radio show with Dr. Roberto Olivardia about Sleep Problems and ADD /ADHD. His thoughts and suggestions were well worth...
ADHD Symptom Control
Exhausted? Out of Control? ADHD Adults Need Enough Sleep
ADHD adults need enough sleep. Period. Full Stop. Exhaustion isn't an ADHD success strategy. When you’re exhausted your ADHD symptoms flare out of control. Kiss any hope of...
Are ADD / ADHD Symptoms Worse Without Enough Sleep?
Between 4 and 5AM this fine morning, I spent a sleepless hour thinking about a series of blogs I want to write this week about adult ADD / ADHD and sleep. Part of me thinks if I...
Easy, Affordable Sources of Omega-3 Oils To Treat ADD / ADHD
Finding easy to use, affordable sources of Omega-3 Oils to treat ADD / ADHD isn't as difficult as it sounds. That's a relief. The thought of buying three meals a week worth of...
Tax Preparation and Adult ADD / ADHD
Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD / ADHD) can make preparing taxes seem like an impossible task. The symptoms of ADD / ADHD are the same skills required for tax...
Is ADD / ADHD Making Your Holidays Stressful?
The holiday season can stress even the most focused mind. Throw ADD / ADHD into the mix and you have a breeding ground for panic. Darn all those details! Parties, shopping,...