Why I’m Frustrated by my ADHD Symptoms

by | Mar 7, 2018 | ADHD Symptom Control, Dana's World | 1 comment

Frustrated by My ADHD SymptomsI have a confession to make. Last week I was more frustrated by my ADHD symptoms than I’ve been in a long, long time.

Yes, I know, I’m supposed to be the poster child for ADHD productivity. Always focused and on target.

And, usually, I am.

Unlike the ‘old Dana’ (before I figured out how to control my ADHD symptoms), most days I’m on top of my task list and get stuff done. Especially the important stuff.

How Do I Manage when I’m Frustrated by my ADHD Symptoms?

My ADHD symptoms don’t frustrate me nearly as much as they used to, but they still have their moments.

If I have a frustrating ADHD-Day, most times I can pinpoint the problem. Usually, it’s not enough sleep or exercise. Or, too much sugar or not enough water. Or I’m in a big transition like returning from a vacation or something. If I’m a bit scattered one day, I’m back on track the next, no sweat.

Last week was different. My ADHD frustrated me for days. All week I was spacey and unmotivated.

Lucky for me (and my clients), being an ADHD coach comes naturally to me. I have to be in pretty bad shape not to be able to jump on a coaching call or lead one of my group coaching programs with ease.

Last week, I struggled when I wasn’t coaching or leading a group. Writing program modules, designing my next organizing group program, writing emails, and blogs. Getting the routine tasks done felt like I was wading through mud.

I kept thinking, “tomorrow will be better”. Only, it wasn’t. By Friday I was a rag. I had to take two naps during the workday! I spent the afternoon figuring out when I’d do all the other stuff I didn’t get done as planned.

The Reality of Living with ADHD Symptoms

What frustrates me the most is I have no idea what my problem was last week. All I could do was start this week hoping I’ll revert back to the “New Dana”. The Dana with well-managed ADHD. So far, it’s working.

Why am I telling you this? Because it’s reality. Even when ADHD symptoms are well-controlled, it can be frustrating. It’s never 100%. A cruel reality, but I’ll never lie to you.

ADHD isn’t something you cure. It doesn’t magically vanish. Sometimes it’s an uninvited guest you have to deal with. At least for me, these days when I’m frustrated by my ADHD symptoms, I know it’s temporary.

What about you? How often are you frustrated by your ADHD symptoms? What will you do to change?

1 Comment

  1. Melanie

    Thanks for the “real”! I’m frustrated by my symptoms probably 5 out of 7 days. Sometimes, I just have to take a nap. Other times I can laugh at myself & let it roll off. Then there are the dark night of the soul times :(. I have learned that tomorrow is a new day and my family gives me much more grace than I usually give myself, and knowing that helps.


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