Did you read my last ADD Success blog post? That's where we talk about how Omega-3s reduce ADHD symptoms If you did you know: - a diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce ADHD...
ADHD Symptom Control
A Natural Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids For ADHD Symptoms
Since I’m always on the lookout for natural ways to make living with ADHD easier, I pay attention when studies suggest Omega-3 fatty acids decrease ADHD symptoms. Two of my...
Living with ADHD…Imagine a Life Without Deadlines
So much of my life is spent looking through an ADHD lens I’m amazed at what I see when I get the occasional glimpse of the non-ADHD world. Wow. People really live like that? This...
Do You Suffer From ADHD Hypersensitivity?
You’re a grownup, right? If something minor is irritating you, shouldn’t you be able to muscle through; to not let the little things bother you? Maybe most grownups can pull off...
Magical ADHD Planning? Who Me?
Do you practice Magical ADHD Planning? Most of the ADHD adults I know do. Do projects and tasks take you lots longer to finish than you think they should? Is it hard for you to...
Who Needs an ADHD Support Group?
Do you have a group of supportive ADHD adults in your life? Other creative, zesty people who understand you without sideways glances or raised eyebrows? In other words, do you...
Two Killer ADHD Time Management Apps
Are you always on the lookout for the latest, greatest ADHD time management apps like I am? Smartphone apps have made living with adult ADHD dramatically easier. And lucky for us...
Stay Organized with ADD/ADHD; Handy iPhone Apps
One of my favorite iPhone apps to stay organized with Adult ADD/ADHD is the Due App. Not only do I use this app, but as an ADHD coach I also recommend it to my clients as a...
The Dangers of Using an iPhone to Manage Adult ADD / ADHD
In my last post, I painted an extremely rosy picture of how you can use your iPhone to manage adult ADHD. I've told you my new iPhone 4s is the most useful ADHD management tool...
Using the iPhone to Manage Adult ADD / ADHD
Whether you love or hate recent advances in technology that let you stay connected 24/7 -- or love and hate them -- there are definitely ways you can use an iPhone, or any other...