What have you lost today? Your keys? Your phone? Your wallet? Be honest. How often do you race around muttering, "Where in the *&^%$ did I put my _______? "(fill in the...
ADHD Success Skills and Tools
Commitments, ADHD, and the Pause
One of the biggest ADHD challenges I’ve had to learn to push past is keeping commitments. Those I’ve made to other people. And ones I’ve made to myself. A commitment is a...
4 Ways to Take Your ADHD Seriously
What’s the common theme I’ve been hearing from ADHD Success Club members this season? They’re getting help because they’re finally taking their ADHD seriously. In fact, as...
5 ADHD Procrastination Conversations
If you want to stop procrastinating, you need to investigate and build awareness around those convincing little voices in your head telling you to put off what you know you need...
Two Steps to Stop Procrastinating
If you set goals to change something this year, there's a good chance that you've already given up on them and you're probably kicking yourself. No judgment. I know you had good...
The Holidays and ADHD: 6 Tips to Save Your Sanity
The holidays and ADHD can be a painful combination. As it is, we’re overwhelmed by the day-to-day on our regular days. Then here comes December bringing a cartload of extra tasks...
Ep. 219 Preheat the Project Over
With ADHD, projects can be overwhelming… take for example: making dinner. There are soooo many steps that you need to take – choosing a recipe, chopping vegetables, getting out...
Parachute-Building ADHD Style
People with ADHD have some amazing qualities which can come with a flipside. Some of my favorite examples… We are creative and have a thousand ideas that (FLIP) can mean we jump...
5 Easy ADHD Meditation Tricks
Last week, I talked about a no-cost, natural way to help you reduce the power ADHD can have over your life: meditation. (If you missed the first part, click here to read it.)...
Ep 213: Building ADHD Habits: Where to Start? (Replay Ep 197)
The fall season has officially started which means that you've probably shifted into a different daily / weekly schedule than you had over the summer. And if you have ADHD, at...